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My glasses slip low on my nose for the three hundredth time.

I've been trying to focus on the book spread out wide in front of me for the last hour, but with no luck. And these glasses— I'd really have to get new ones.

Finally sighing, I close the book softly and walk out of the library. Maybe getting some fresh air would help me concentrate better. Because at this rate, I was going to fail the test tomorrow.

And father wouldn't be happy at all.

Wincing, I turn my attention to the weather outside. It's such nice weather, all blue skies and sunny clouds.

And then a wisp of smoke crosses my vision.

Then I smell the acrid scent of it, and immediately turn my head to the source. There's a man with brightly dyed green hair, leaning against the wall of the library.

He's smoking.

And I can't help myself.

"You can't smoke here." The words are out of my lips in a second, and the man's piercing eyes turn to me. "It's a library. And smoking's bad for you."

He laughs dryly.

"Smoking's bad for me, huh?"

"It's really bad for your lungs." I start, narrowing my eyes at the cigarette he's holding. "You're going to die early if you keep doing that."

"Hmm." He says, taking another puff. Then to my surprise, he actually crumples it in his hand and tosses it to the ground.

"There. Satisfied?"

"No." I say firmly, my lips pursing. "You're littering now."

He laughs again, his gaze amused. I'm actually stunned now when he picks it up and tosses it into the trash can next to him.

"Thank... you." I murmur, still not being able to get over the fact he'd listened to me. Almost no one ever did.

"You're a funny one." He just says, and then turns around to walk away. His mint hair disappears behind the corner of the library walls, and I blink.


"Jimin." I say, turning to see my best friend. He shakes away his hair from his sparkling eyes, dyed a light brown. He'd probably come out after me when he'd seen me leaving.

"Can't focus? Wanna go get ice cream?"

"Jimin, I can't." I laugh, walking back to the library doors with a smile on my face. He's pouting, lips pushed together in disappointment.

"I have to do well on this test."

"What do you mean?" Jimin looks at me with wide eyes, tugging on his sleeve. "You always do so well! Like damn— you're second in the entire school!"

"Don't curse." I say, and he rolls his eyes.

"That's not the point, Kook."

I knew I was smart. I just wasn't smart enough for my father. Being ranked second in the school wasn't enough to make him happy, and I had to make him happy.

Because he was my father.

"Sorry, Jimin." I say, messing up his hair. He yelps in protest, and I smile widely. That just never failed to annoy him.

"I promise I'll buy you all the ice cream you want later."


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