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I had to do that.

My pencil trembles in my tight grip, and I look down at the words swimming in front of me. I can't concentrate, not anymore.

But she'd come for me, even after I'd been so mean to her at school like that yesterday. And I hadn't given her a single look.

I'd been thinking about that all night last night. She'd just been so nice to me, and now I couldn't imagine how she'd even feel.

And now she wasn't here at school.

I'd been ignoring Jimin as well, avoiding where he'd usually be.
I'd even come earlier to not meet him at the front, where he always was at the morning.

I was too afraid that he'd be hurt.


I'm coming out of third period when someone grips my wrist. I instantly shake my arm, my eyes wide when the hand stays firmly.

"Y-Yoongi hyung?"

"Kid, what's going on." He says, and I clamp my lips shut. My eyes flicker left and right— the students all seemed busy, getting to their next class. "Hey, look at me."

Then his brows raise. "Is someone watching you? That it?"

"I n-need to go." I stutter, swallowing harshly. "I'm sorry, hyung."

"Minnie's drinking because of you." He hisses, voice colder. "I'm not letting you run away, kid. We're talking this out right here."

Min— drinking?

My breaths run shorter. Drinking was somehow even worse than smoking. If she was drinking alcohol, and that was because of me—

It's all because of me.

"And Jimin, too. He's been telling me that he thinks you're avoiding him." He continues, not letting go of my wrist. "Jungkook, what's happening at home?"

Then he notices my panicked expression, and my trembling hands. And when I instinctively look around again, he quickly takes off his jacket.

Wrapping it around my shoulders, he pushes the hood down low on my face. It feels safer in the dark shadow of the hood, and I follow helplessly as he leads me out of the school.

We get to the back, where there's nobody.

"Jungkook, calm down." I shake my head when he tries to pull the hood down, tugging it back on. "You're safe here."

"Is— Is it true?"


"That she's drinking because of me?" I ask anxiously, and he nods. My eyes scrunch tight, and I feel dizzy imagining her in a bar. "I— I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault." His brows cross, and he tips his head at me. "It's your parent's, isn't it? Are they making you stay away from all of us?"

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