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"P-Please." He mocks, and I scrunch my eyes shut in terror. I'd never felt anything like this before— it was like my body had just stopped working.


My eyes flash open the moment I hear a familiar voice, iced over with poison. The hate in it makes a shiver go up my spine, and the man whips around.

Relief breaks my voice as her dark gray eyes meet mine.


Her eyes light up in fire, and she leans against the wall with a scornful expression on her face. How could she look so calm in this situation?

"What?" The man suddenly barks in laughter, gaze amazed. "The famous L protecting a damn kid like him? That's a fucking first."


But my features scrunch together, and I can't help my habit taking over.

"Don't curse..." I whisper, and the man's snakelike eyes flash back to me in mockery.

"I'm so sorry." He says mockingly, staring at me with distaste. "Did I just hurt your pretty little ears? Because I don't give a fu—"

"Shut up." Min's cold voice rings out, and the man stops talking. "He said to stop cursing, hm? Or do I have to crush you again to make you stop talking?"

She smiles darkly.

"Maybe this time, I'll have you bet something so much more than money."

The man flinches, and then his face twists in fury. But Min doesn't seem like she cares at all, because she brushes right past him.

"Are you okay?" She says, brows furrowing when she notices my shaking hands. "You shouldn't have been out so late, Jungkook."

Then behind her back, I notice the man draw something out from his jacket, deadly eyes fixed on Min. It's long and silver— like a knife.

Because it is.

When he lunges, I instinctively tug her to my chest and twist around so that my back faces him instead. My head feels light with anticipation.

I'm gonna die.

Then to my surprise, I hear a shocked gasp and then a clatter of something hitting the ground. She pushes me back, features lifted in amusement.

"You get more interesting every time I see you, huh?"

"What?" I say stunned, turning when she points behind me. A green-haired man is there, shaking the man's limp body in one hand.

It's him.


"Yoongi, I could've handled him." She says, her eyes flickering in hatred at the unconscious man. "You didn't have to step in."

"Well, I know that." He mumbles back, and I just stand there shocked. My glasses slip down again, and Min notices.

"Back to glasses?" She asks, pushing back her long raven hair. "Has our deal ended already?"

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