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"Go study." My mother says, crossing her arms with a disappointed look on her face. "I heard from your father about the test score. I have a book of problems on your desk."

"I expect you to complete it by tonight. I'll come check it in the morning, since tomorrow's Saturday."

My head snaps up in shock, my mouth full of protest. But my back stings, so I nod helplessly. My fists clench by my side, but thankfully she doesn't notice as she gives me a sweeping look and leaves.

A soft sigh runs through my lips, and I go to my room. My eyes sting when I see the width of the book on my desk, and I bite down on my tongue to try to keep from crying.

By tonight...

I sit down heavily in my chair, flipping to the first page. I work through the problems like a robot, my mind somewhere else.

A light blush heats my face when I remember what Min had called me.


Did I really seem like that? Abandoning my pencil for a second, I walk to the bathroom and look at myself in the mirror.

Wide doe eyes, soft red lips. My skin is pale as always, but it has never been this pale before against my dark hair. My cheeks are slightly plump, and I sigh as I go to sit back down.

I do look like one.

Focus, I tell myself. It was only nine o' clock, but it might easily take the entire night to finish all of this. I couldn't let myself be distracted.

And maybe— maybe, getting this all finished might make my parents happy.


I'm so tired I can barely keep my eyes open.

I'd ended up finishing, having stayed up the entire night. My body struggles to keep itself upright as my mother flips through the pages, my father's eyes flickering from his newspaper.


My head snaps up, my eyes snapping open as well. I hadn't realized I'd fallen asleep, and I quickly push up my glasses with a nervous look on my face.


And with that one word, my heart leaps. I clasp my hands together, the sleep gone from my features as I try not to smile. She keeps talking sharply, but I can't believe she's actually said that to me.

"You got everything correct, although some of the way you solved this could've been more eloquent. Now go get ready for your tutor— your hyung is coming home today."

"So he can help you with some of your work after."

Namjoon hyung.

I nod, breathing out softly as the rush of adrenaline falls away. My feet drag on the floor with sleep as I shuffle back to my room, grabbing a jacket.

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