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"Lying to your brother, lying to your own parents."

My tears splatter on the wooden floor as I cry, my teeth clenching from the pain. A whimper escapes my lips, followed by a sharp cry and a burst of pain.

"And you would've gotten away, too, with the lie that your brother told me. Imagine if I hadn't gotten up early, you would've got away unpunished."

Namjoon hyung didn't know. He didn't know my father sometimes had meetings during early morning— he was barely home.

He didn't know that it would be today. I hadn't known either.

"I-I'm sorry." I beg, my voice torn with cries. "I promise I won't—"

Then he burns me, and I crumple to the floor coughing uncontrollably. He shakes his head, face angry.

"Empty promises, son? I warned you about that girl last time, didn't I? Yet you still didn't listen."

He kicks me down to the floor, streaked red with my blood. Sobs wrench my body, because I know everything's over. There's no another chance.

It's done.

"Stay away from that girl. See her one more time, Jungkook, and I'll know. I always will. I'll have people everywhere watching if I have to. And she'll pay for your mistakes then."

My fingertips grow cold.


"And that boy— Jimin. Stay away from him as well. I knew making friends were going to be bad influence for you from the beginning. Focus on your studies."

He lashes me again, and I lower my head, pressing it desperately into the wall. My teeth are clenched with the pain, the words barely audible as I hiss it through the tight gap.

"I.... promise."

My eyes blur with tears when he drags the heated poker across my body one more time. I can't breathe, sucking in air in short, desperate gasps.

"I hope this is enough to teach you not to break your promises." He hisses, and I nod, crying softly. I can't feel myself, only my blood and the pain hot against my skin.

"Yes, Father."


I can hear Taehyung crying in the bathroom.

It's quiet, but I can hear his soft, muffled tears. He'd had to take care of me all day— bandaging me, washing the blood off and giving me medicine.

For the first time, I wasn't attending school.

After a while, I hear the bathroom door click open. Taehyung quickly swipes his sleeves over his red eyes, cheeks flushed and lips tightly squeezed together.

"Jungkook, you're awake." He says in surprise, hurriedly hiding his tearstained sleeves behind his back when he sees my open eyes. "Do you need anything? I can—"

I shake my head slightly. It's too hard to speak, and Taehyung swallows harshly as he buries his face in his hands.

"H-How is it?" I force out weakly, my voice barely above silence. But he hears me, and takes a deep breath.

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