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"Get him drunk."

The man takes me to a loud, bright place. My eyes hurt from all the lights, and it smells so bitter. Everywhere is hot, and the music is so loud.

It's so loud.

"P-Please make it quiet." I beg, trying to block my ears from all the noise. Then there's laughter, and I choke when someone suddenly forces my lips open and pours something down my throat.


I crumple to the ground, coughing and gasping at the strong taste. But hands pull me up again, and I try to resist this time, shaking my head wildly to the side.

But someone wraps their hands around my head, and my lips are parted again. They put the alcohol down, and I sway heavily to the right when they let me go.

My vision's swimming in front of me, and I feel so hot. I tug my jacket from my shoulders, sweat pouring down my forehead.

"He's a light drinker." I hear someone say mockingly, and laughter surrounds me again. "L's boy, you said?"

"Didn't expect her taste to be innocent, childish boys."

"He's cute, though." Another voice comes, and I wrench my head away when someone grips my chin. "Do you think she'll get mad at me if I touch him?"

"D-Don't." I cry out desperately, but my words are all slurred together. "Please let me—"

Then I cough, my head getting lighter by the second. It's like I can't focus— I don't know where I am.

"Let you what?" I hear a feminine voice say teasingly, but everything else fades away after that. It just sounds like she's mumbling.

I'm drunk.




I've already broken into a run, phone still pressed tightly against my ear. "Jungkook is what? Where is he?!"

"I saw someone force him inside Space." Jin's worried voice comes from the receiver, and I curse, running faster. "I can't find him."

"I'm coming." And then I hang up, my heart seizing in panic. Space was a drinking club, filled completely with people I did not want Jungkook around with.

If any of them had touched him, I'd make sure none of them could walk a single step ever again.

When I rush inside Space, another curse runs through my lips. It's crowded as always— how in the hell was I supposed to find Jungkook here?

Then I see him.

A growl escapes my lips, and I weave through the crowd in a moment. When the first one sees me, his eyes go wide with surprise.

By the time he turns around to warn his damn friends, I'm on him.

And by the time his friends notice, I'm on them, too.

"You know me." I hiss, my fingers wrapped around tightly on a man's neck. He's looking up at me with a terrified expression, and I want to rip that expression from his face.

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