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"Jungkook, I love you." Jimin says, his hooded eyes curved along with his lips in a smile. "You know that, right?"

I guess, which usually turns out to be correct when it comes to Park Jimin. "And you don't have money, right?"

"Right." His smile gets wider as he slings an arm around my shoulder, and I can't help but laugh. "Can I have the usual, please? Strawberry."

"I didn't even know you had a usual." I say, shoving him away playfully right before getting to the register. After ordering a strawberry and a chocolate cone, I go to find Jimin.

He's talking to someone.

I tilt my head, thinking it's a friend and about to sit down when I pause. That minty green hair— there wasn't a lot of people who dyed their hair that color.

The ice cream still in hand, I rush back over to where Jimin is.

"I'm so sorr—" I hear Jimin say, before his shaken brown eyes quickly flicker up to meet mine. His tensed body visibly relaxes when he sees me.

It is that man from yesterday. And his white shirt is completely drenched in something brown.

"Jimin!" I exclaim in exasperation, and he scratches at his cheek in anxiety. "Did you spill coffee on him? You weren't even holding coffee!"

"Yes, but I was." The man says, his eyes narrowing when he recognizes me as well. "I seem to run into you a lot these days, huh?"

He's obviously intimidating Jimin, with his dark eyes and dressed head to toe with black. Even if he wasn't, that expression on his face would still be enough to scare someone.

"I'm sorry for my friend."

"Can he say sorry for himself?" He smiles darkly at the small figure next to me, and Jimin presses up closer to my side. "You interrupted him on the way here."

"I'm r-really sorry." Jimin rushes out, the words tumbling from his lips. I press a hand encouragingly to the small of his back, knowing he didn't do well with strangers.

"For, um, spilling coffee on you."

Then he leaves, just like that. Jimin sinks to the ground, a traumatic expression on his soft features.

"I swear I've never seen a guy that scary in my entire life."

I laugh, handing him his cone. As if he needed something to comfort him immediately, he finishes it in something like five seconds.

Then my eyes catch on a clock inside the store, and my breath catches. Jimin looks at me curiously, probably because I almost drop my ice cream.

"Jimin, I need to go. I'm so sorry." I say, not realizing the time was already like this. It was getting late, and my father didn't like me coming home late at all.

Quickly, I push some money into his confused palm, finishing my ice cream in a single bite. Five minutes— I was going to have to run back.

"What? You need to go? And what's this supposed to be for?"

"Taxi!" I call over my shoulder, already running as fast as I can.


"Jungkook, wasn't there a test today?" My father's voice echoes the moment I come home, my eyes flashing to the time. One minute before curfew— I'd made it.

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