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It kills me to bring him back.

"You got to go, Jungkook." I say softly when he tightens his grip on my sleeve, swallowing as he looks up at his own house.

Then my eyes flicker.

"Where's your room?"

"T-That one." He says distractedly, pointing at a window on the far side of the house. It's shadowed, just on the second floor. "Min, but I—"

"Don't worry." I smile, pleased about the new information. "I'll come see you tonight. But now you have to go, okay? I don't want anything else to happen."

His darkened face brightens in a second, and I laugh when I think of how easy it is to make him feel better. He grips my hands, eyes expectant.

"Really? Promise you're going to come."

When I just smile, he gets serious.

"Promise? Min."

"Yes, love. I promise." He blushes and smiles, quickly letting go of my hands. His steps are lighter as he heads into his house, and my jaw flexes as I look at the beautiful boy.

They'd pay for what they had done to him.



It's one in the morning.

So much time has passed since I'd last seen Min, and I was starting to think she wasn't coming at all. My eyes are sleepy now, and I find myself dozing on the bed.

I should be sleeping, but what if she comes?

I'm sitting up on the bed, back against the headboard. I'd tucked the blanket tightly around my body, and it was warm. And comfortable.

Before I know it, my eyes slide close.

But then I hear a soft noise, and something sliding against something else. My eyes snap open, and my lips tilt up into a big smile when I see her shadowed figure.

She has one leg swung over the sill, the moonlight behind her making her almost glow. Then she shuts the window, so quietly.

Her voice is amused.

"I didn't think you were going to wait for me, Jungkook. I would've come earlier then."

"It's okay." I grin, so happy that I climb down from my bed and bury her in a hug. "I can't believe you actually came."

"I won't break a promise." She echoes, and I hug her tighter when I feel her hand run up my back. "Especially one I make to you, baby."

"Sleep with me." I say, and she raises an eyebrow as she lets me pull her towards the bed.

"You've gotten bolder, hm?"

"No— not like that." I find myself stuttering furiously, my face on fire. She laughs softly, and I chew on my lip when I realize she's teasing me.

"Min, don't play with me."

"How can I not?" She says, and her slender fingers grip my glasses, pulling them off and placing them on the nightstand. "Come lie down."

I hesitate, my eyes fixed on the ground. My ears turn warm— my shy side wrapping around me like a shadow. The boy who'd loudly come and told her sleep with me earlier is nowhere now.

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