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He looks tired.

My eyes slide back to the teacher when he shifts slightly, looking uncomfortable. He's been moving around in his seat for the past thirty minutes.

When he fixes his eyes forward again, mine go back to him.

Dark shadows ring his slightly red eyes, slightly swollen. He'd been crying— for someone like me? That was hard to believe.

His usually focused, warm brown eyes are struggling to stay on the teacher. And then my eyes slightly widen when I see his bandaged hand.

His left one is barely moving, practically covered entirely in white. The other one just has the same white bandage around the palm, scribbling slowly on a piece of paper.

Then guilt presses into my heart when I see him blinking his pretty eyes, his lenses slightly visible.

Those pretty brown eyes.

Frustrated with myself, I tear my eyes off of him and focus back on the blank paper in front of me. It's a blow to my pride, when I find my gaze struggling from shifting back to him.


I can hear the teacher calling my name when I suddenly stand up, shoving my books and papers into my backpack. But Jungkook's hurt gaze is the only thing that I feel as I leave the classroom.

My head hurts.



She'd left because she didn't want to see me, right? Because she didn't—

A groan escapes my lips before I can stop it, and I flinch as everyone in the quiet room of the library turns to glare at me. I freeze up, gripping tightly on the page of my book.

Then Jimin giggles quietly on the other side of the room, and then freezes up as well as everyone's glare shift from me to him.

When the needle of the clock strikes eight, we simultaneously jump out of our chairs, hurrying to get out of the suffocatingly quiet room.

Once we're outside, Jimin bursts into laughter.

"You have to walk home today?" He asks, and I look at him surprised. He holds up my phone, the screen showing another message from my father.

Driver's off today. Walk home.

"Let's walk together!" Jimin says excitedly, and I look at my phone with a confused expression. The driver was off a lot lately— it'd never been like this before.

Thankfully I had Jimin this time.

"Sure." I smile, trying not to think of that night. I loved spending time with Jimin— he was someone I knew that could always make things better. With his light voice and full smiles, everyone liked him.

He was just a bit shy of strangers.

"It's so cold out here." I say, and Jimin whips around at me.

"What'd you say?"

"I said it was cold out here—"

Then he bursts into laughter, pulling his backpack off his shoulders. "See— I knew you'd say that! That's why I always have an extra jacket ready for you."

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