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"Who was that, Jungkook?"

My eyes widen in shock as I look up, and I find my father standing right there. I freeze entirely, my hand still on the doorknob.


"A girl." He scoffs in disgust, and I stumble back, my eyes wide. "Is that why your grades are falling? Is that why you asked me to get lenses the other day?"

"You've disappointed me, Jungkook."

My terror grows when he moves toward the fireplace, where the pokers were. But he moves past it, standing in front of the broom closet.

"Come here." He says, and I lower my head as I walk towards him. My bottom lip trembles, and I bite down harshly, walking until I see his feet right in front of mine.

Then I gasp as he grips the collar of my shirt, throwing me roughly into the closet. A terrified shout bursts from my lips as the door closes tight, the lock clicking shut.

"Father! Please— Please! I can't breathe in here!"

Darkness closes around me like ice, and I bang my clenched fists against the door. His monotone voice comes from the other side as I plead, chest squeezing with panic.

"You'll stay in there until you get yourself together." He hisses, and tears fill my eyes as I bury my face in my hands. I hear him leaving, ignoring my cries.

I hate darkness more than pain.

Whimpering softly, I press my back into the wall and try not to imagine that there's something in the blackness in front of me.

My body curled up tight against the cramped wall of the broom closet, I struggle to breathe.

I fall asleep with tears drying on my cheeks.


The door swings open.

"Come out." My father's rough voice echoes, and I can see Taehyung's enraged face behind him. He looks at me worriedly, wringing his hands together.

"Taehyung, get him ready for school."

Then he leaves, and I shiver profusely as Taehyung wraps his arms around my shoulders. My back and neck hurts painfully from staying in a curved position all night.

"Jungkook, I couldn't find you." Taehyung says, immediately taking my backpack from me and wrapping a blanket around my shaking figure.

"T-Thanks, hyung." I whisper, trying to get up. My legs are on fire, all sore and painful. "I'm fine, don't worry."

He looks at me with sadness in his kind brown eyes, and he quickly puts down the pile of neatly folded clothes besides a tray of breakfast.

"Here, Jungkook. Eat a lot, okay?" He smiles, and I smile back.

I was lucky to have someone like him.

All the other maids and servants avoided me like the plague— only doing the barest things for me. They knew my father hated me, and didn't want to get fired.

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