22: Ending

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She's gone as usual when I wake up.

Even though I know that she has to do that, disappointment flickers through my thoughts as I stare at the empty spot next to me— where she'd been last night.

Then I hear rough shouting downstairs, and immediately get to my feet. I wince, but manage to stumble the way there, holding down the pain.

"You know who I am?!"

My father?

My eyes go wide in surprise when I slowly peek around the corner, and see police officers with guns. And then I see her, and why my father is so angry.

Min...? Why was she—

"You're under arrest for abuse. Cuff him." One of the officers, a smirking man with reddish brown hair points at my father. "With that evidence, that can get you jail time for life, old man."

Wait, what?

Then my widened eyes meet my father's wild ones. I've never seen him so furious before— his usual composure and cold, brutal calmness is nowhere to be seen.

"Jeon Jungkook! You fu—"

He lunges at me, and I stumble back on the stairs with a surprised cry. But he never reaches me, because a dark, slender figure knocks him out completely with a kick to the head.


"Geez. I thought I told you to restrain yourself, but of course you had to do that." The officer rolls his eyes as Min stares down viciously at my unconscious father's body.

She smiles softly when she turns back to me.

"I promised you I was going to get rid of him." She whispers, and her hand is cold but soothing as it brushes across my warm cheek. "Your friend was a great help."


Then I see Taehyung, a shy expression on his face as he quietly peeks out from behind a police officer. He gives me a warm smile, and I'm happy but so confused.

"He videotaped yesterday, and brought Hoseok here the recording." She says, shoving her hands back in her pockets with a dark expression on her face. "Good thing they're not showing me the video."

"I— Taehyung hyung?"

"Hey, Kookie." He wraps his arms around my shoulders, ruffling my hair. Min doesn't look happy, but she steps back and watches as he bursts into a bigger smile.

"I took care of you. I took care of you, right."

"T-Thank you so much." I mutter, still so stunned I can't even move. My hand tightens on the hem of my shirt.

He's gone now. He can't bother me anymore.

He can't touch me anymore.

"You're safe now, baby." Min's soft voice comes from behind me, and I look into her calm gray eyes. I swallow, and she laughs softly as her fingers trace the outline of my eyes.

"Where do you want to be?"


"Damn! You're not taking my bed, no way." Yoongi yells, flipping the covers over his head. He glares at Min again, who tosses her head and narrows her eyes back.

"I never said anything like that." She sighs, holding out a hand. "I just need— you know what? Never mind. I'll just get it myself."

She disappears into the closet, leaving me alone with Yoongi and in a very awkward situation. I'm about to mumble out an excuse and head back out when he smirks.

"Hey. kid. Fetch me some water, will you?"

"Shut the hell up, Yoongi." A balled up shirt flies out of nowhere, clocking him right in his face. I blush lightly when a slender arm wraps around my soaked waist.

"Come on. You're a mess, Jungkook." Min says, a bundle of clothes clutched in her arm. "You can use the bathroom outside— you're shivering already."

Rain's still pouring outside, and I stutter out a small thanks as she points toward a closed door. My hair's dripping rainwater everywhere on the ground, and I look at it ruefully.

"Don't worry about it." She says easily, before calling over her shoulder. "Yoongi! Jimin's here to see you."


I can't help but laugh into my hand when he comes shooting out of his room, looking around wildly. Min's expression turns smug, and she waves at the water dotting the floor.

"Well, he's not here yet. But he will be if you clean this up."

"&$&@& you." He hisses, and Min bursts into laughter as he totters back inside.

Watching her smile makes me smile, and I hesitantly step inside the bathroom with Yoongi's clothes. I turn up the hot water, face pale with the cold.

I couldn't believe this.

I was going to stay with Min.

It only takes me a bit of time to dry up, and I walk out of the door feeling warm and fresh. Min's delicate figure is on the couch outside, and I come up silently behind her.

Her head is slightly tilted up to the ceiling, eyes closed and lips parted.

"Boo!" I whisper into her ear, lifting her up cleanly off the sofa. But she doesn't even look surprised when I smile at her, amusement written all over her features.

She skims a hand over my confused face.

"You'll have to try harder than that, Jungkook."

Then she pulls me into a kiss, hand clasping on mine. I almost topple over into her, but my hand slams against the back of the couch.

Her fingertips brush against the scar on my face.

I can feel her smirk against my lips, and it makes me blush like crazy when I feel her teeth tease against the mending cut that my father had made from my mouth to jaw.

"Um... haha."

My eyes instantly go wide at the sound of the shy voice, and I break away to look at the direction of the door. Jimin's standing there, completely drenched in rain and holding a soggy backpack to his chest.

Min sighs when I let go, her dark gray eyes lazily sliding over to Jimin. Her fingertips are still gripping my chin.

Jimin laughs awkwardly again, and I'm just stunned to the ground as he runs his fingers through his soaked brown hair.

"I, um— had classes nearby, and it started pouring. I hope, uh, that I didn't interrupt anything."

He swallows.

"Is Yoongi here?"

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