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They're not my parents.

I should've accepted that such a long time ago. I can't believe I'd defended them when they hurt me in return— hurt people who I loved in return.

They were monsters, not parents. Because parents were supposed to love you and care for you, and the only person who cared for me in this house was hyung.

And tonight he'd gotten hurt because of them.

Sniffling, I wipe angry tears from my sleeves. I couldn't stay in this house. I felt like I was going to suffocate to death if I did for another second.

I needed Min.

Opening my window wide, I swing one leg over the sill. When my feet touches grass below, I only tell myself that I was so, so stupid for not doing this earlier.

Before, I would've been horrified going against my parents.

But now I don't really care.

Remembering the way to her house, I try not to think about the darkness and the cold as I run. She'd promised to come to me later, but I'd come to her first.

My heart's beating rapidly by the time I finally get to her apartment, sweat pouring down my forehead. I'd accidentally tripped on the way here, and now there was a stinging cut on my  cheek that was bothering me.

When I ring the doorbell, no one answers.

I get more desperate, pressing the bell five more times. When nobody comes, I just twist the doorknob.

I'm shocked when it swings open.

The apartment is dark inside, all the lights off. I shiver, stepping inside carefully as I call out for her.


I listen for any sounds— but there's nothing, no one to answer me back. I'm so out of breath— I'd almost ran the entire way here.

And now she wasn't here?

In the dim light of the moon, I see a couple bottles on the kitchen counter. So thirsty, I don't think at all before gripping the first one and drinking everything inside.

What I expect is water isn't water.

"Ah!" I cry out, the bottle slipping from my hand. It clatters to the wooden floor, and I stumble back coughing and gasping at the sharp, fiery taste.

My eyes go wide when I smell the familiar bitterness of the liquid.




"Hoseok still has a pretty sassy mouth, huh?" Yoongi laughs out loud, noticing my sour expression. "I think he's the only one who can get you this annoyed and still get away alive."

"At least he's useful for something." I say bitterly, still unhappy that he'd brought up my racing again. He always made it sound like it was the worst thing I'd ever done.

But I didn't really blame him. He was a cop, after all.

Then I pause. Yoongi's eyes narrow when I motion silently at the door.

It's slightly open.

"I left it closed." Yoongi says when I look at him pointedly. "Someone's in there. I can hear them."

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