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It's one in the morning when I make my way up to Jungkook's window, wondering if he was still awake.

My baby boy.

My fingers grip the edge of the glass pane as I get there easily, pulling it open softly. The moonlight spills behind me, and spills into his dark room.

He's asleep. A smile dances on my lips when I slip into the room, about to reach over and touch him when my entire body freezes.


Dried tracks of red cover the side of his pale face, showing between his dark hair. When I pull the covers from his body, I find it stained with dull scarlet.

And his body— his body is ravaged. Deep cuts are carved into his chest, with painful slashes on his sides. There's bruises everywhere, covering the skin with darkness where red isn't.

And when my eyes finally land on the long scar, starting from the right corner of his dry, chapped lips and stretching almost to his jawline, I lose it.

I'm going to murder that fucking man.

With my entire body trembling with fury, I slowly move off of his bed. My eyes fix on his closed door, picturing that somewhere in this house, the person who'd done this to Jungkook was sleeping peacefully with his wife.

And at that moment, I don't care. I don't care about the consequences, or any of the alternatives.

I was going to kill both of them.


Then a cold hand wraps weakly around my wrist. My chest falls in rapid breaths when Jungkook tugs me back, shaking his head with desperation in his warm brown eyes.

"Min, don't." He whispers, and I laugh bitterly.

"Jungkook, let go."

"I can't." His voice slightly trembles, and I look over to see him crying. "You're going to go to my father. Min, I don't want anything to happen to you. Please."

"Let. Go."

The anger just comes back harsher when I see one of his eyes only half-open, darkened with a bruise. A hit to his face.

"I can't. I won't." A soft growl escapes my clenched teeth when he shakes his head wildly. "You can't go. Just stay here with me, Min. Please."


I sigh, rubbing harshly at my temples. Finally I have enough control back on my temper, and I feel Jungkook's hand go slack from relief when he realizes that I was going to stay.

"Thank you." He whispers, his voice small from the pain. I purse my lips, nodding with my head turned to the side.

I had to calm down first before I looked back at him, or I might just lose it again.

And Jungkook needed me now.



My face lights up when she comes back through the window, a bag slung over her shoulder. She silently takes out a thick roll of bandage from inside, her touches gentle as she helps me sit up.

Everything hurts, but seeing her makes me forget.

When she'd first seen me, I'd been terrified with the expression that she had on her face. If I hadn't held onto her, she would've killed my father, I know.

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