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"It's Jimin!" He says loudly, and I hear Yoongi chuckle darkly next to him. "Stop laughing at me. My name's Jimin."

"I'm not laughing." Yoongi says, in a softer voice than usual. It's almost like watching an adult trying to soothe a kid throwing a small tantrum.

"I'm checking on Jungkook."

He's still fast asleep on my bed, because Yoongi had refused to give up his. It was frustrating sometimes— how protective he was of his bed and sleep.

It was almost evening now, and I had to go race soon. I hadn't showed up in too long, and I had to keep my ranks straight.

But I decide to stay a bit longer.

Fainting because of fatigue— what had his damned parents done to him to get him to this state? Had they kept him awake for some reason? Not let him sleep?

My lips tighten, and I realize I'm getting furious.

Calm down.

"Sleep all you want." I mutter assuringly under my breath, shifting his hair to the side. The soft dark locks fall back in place almost immediately, and I give a slight smile.




I wake up somewhere I don't know.

It smells like Min, and my eyes widen when I realize I'm in someone's bed.
The ceiling isn't mine and neither is the room— and I quickly get to my feet.

I'd fainted. And then....

My head feels better, and my expression nearly collapses when I see that it's past ten at night. It's dark outside, and my breaths get faster.

My curfew.


"Kookie!" The door flings open, and my wide eyes land on Jimin. He's rubbing his eyes tiredly, like he'd taken a short nap. "You're awake— I heard you."

"W-Where am I? Where are we? This— This isn't your house, Jimin!"

"It's Yoongi's and L's." He says, looking at the clock. "I can't believe you slept for so long, Jungkook. Are you sure you were okay?"

"I-I'm fine." I say, looking down on my hands. I clench them tightly when I see them beginning to tremble. "I'm okay. Sorry for worrying you."

Then I look up.

"Min— Where's Min?"

"Racing. They left two hours ago, and Yoongi said that they should be back in about two hours, so—"

"I-I need to go." I stutter, panic blinding my mind when I see fifteen missed calls on my phone. My father was going to be so angry with me— should I lie? Should I lie that I'd stayed in the library a bit longer?


Lying isn't right.

"Kook, it's so late!" He says worriedly, looking at the pitch dark outside. "Just stay here until they come back, at least!"

"I'm so sorry, Jimin-ah." My backpack is in the corner of the room, and I hurry to grab it. "I'll see you— tomorrow, yeah?"

I'm about to turn around when a familiar, sharp voice echoes behind me.

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