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Of course.

It's one in the morning, and it's cold when I walk out of the room to check on Jungkook. He's asleep on the couch, blanket in a pile on the floor next to him.

The temperature meter reads the same since evening, and I purse my lips together as I turn it up. Had Yoongi forgotten to tell him that it got cold at night?

He's trembling, pressing into the back of the couch for warmth. Somehow he's still asleep, arms wrapped tightly around himself.

I sigh at how cold his skin is.

"Jungkook, wake up." I say softly, wrapping the fallen blanket around his shoulders. He groans, one eye blinking sleepily open.

A quiet laugh escapes my lips when he stares at me for a long second, delicate features scrunched together. Then he mumbles and closes his eyes again.


When my voice gets firmer, his eyes open halfway again.


"Don't sleep here." I mutter, tugging his sluggish body up from the couch. He looks too dazed, and I have to direct him towards my room.

His body presses into mine, and he shivers with a satisfied sigh when we enter my room, where it's much warmer. A smile tugs on my lips when he shifts off of me and crashes into my bed.

Eyes already closed, he burrows deep into the covers and starts breathing evenly.

After making sure he's asleep and settled in, I search for my lighter. I promised myself never to smoke in front of Jungkook, and to do it less— but it was hard.

When I don't see it anywhere, I whisper a curse.

Did I lose it?

But I never lost anything. My annoyed gaze turns to Yoongi's closed door, and I quietly slip into his room.

My lighter's on the table, like I'd expected. Then my eyes graze over to the bed, and I see Yoongi asleep. The dark figure next to him is also breathing softly, blanket tucked all the way up to his chin.


Yoongi cared for him especially, because I knew the innocent, brown-haired boy reminded him of his deceased younger brother.

Tucking the lighter into my pocket, I leave the apartment. The night air is cold against my bare forearms, and I wonder if I should've brought a jacket after all.

"Still smoking, hm?"

My eyes flash to the voice, but I don't move when something covers my shoulders. I see a sparkling glint, and the tilt of a smile.


"That's me." He says with a laugh, and holds his hands together. "Do you have another one, Princess?"

I hand him the lighter and a cigarette with a poisonous glare, and his smile grows wider. "I told you I'd kill you if you called me that ever again."

"You wouldn't." He laughs, shaking out his dark hair. "My little cute sister."

"That was just at the orphanage." I reply, chewing on my lip. "I'm not really your sister, Jin. Where have you been?"

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