~{PART 23}~

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Vikas and Siddharth are both talking when Vikas eyes lands on Shehnaaz who is lost in the mansion. 

“Hello!” calls her out but she doesn’t hear him. Siddharth looks at the direction he is looking and becomes amaze knowing that he too knows this girl. “What was her name?” Vikas whispers to himself which Siddharth hears. 

“Shehnaaz Gill,” Siddharth voice makes Vikas to look at him surprised that he knows her name. Quite strange! 

“You know her?” Vikas asked been shock. 

“Yeah he was talking with her a moment ago, but you didn’t told me what you both where talking Siddharth.” Rashmi asks been curious but their conversation gets stop when Vikas calls Shehnaaz out. 

“Shehnaaz!” Vikas voice make her to turn to their direction and a huge smile appears on her face seeing Vikas. Seeing it the Vikas to smiles at her and Rashmi too haves an adorable smile on her face. 

“Thank God! I found you.” Shehnaaz moves towards them. “I thought that I again got lost in this big mansion,” that moment her eyes lands on Siddharth. She smiles at him in a sheepish manner. “I am really sorry, I thought that you were Vikas Gupta.” This word makes the rest two present over there, surprise. 

“What! You thought that he is Vikas?” Rashmi asks been amazed, she nodes her head innocently. 

“Wow! At least I found one girl in this planet who have no knowledge about your existence.” Vikas says laughing, “we will definitely get along well.” Vikas says giving her a hi-fi. Siddharth is narrowing his eyes at both of them and glares at Vikas to shut his mouth, moves from there been pissed. 

The moment he left Vikas burst into laughter again making Rashmi to shake her head in ‘he is not going to change’ manner. “Why you keep on teasing him?” Rashmi asks getting little annoyed. 

“He keeps on changing the scene at last minute, troubling me, director, writer and sometime by miracle I get chance to pull his legs at least let me enjoy my little happiness.” He says laughing again. Rashmi moves from there while Shehnaaz looks at the laughing Vikas with confusion, will he stop or not? 

“Why are you laughing so much? I didn’t said any joke.” Shehnaaz says been her innocent self. 

“Nothing is a bigger joke than this that you don’t have any idea about Siddharth Shukla.” Vikas says trying hard to not again burst into laughter. “From today we both will be friend,” he says extending his hands. “I got a partner in crime to trouble Siddharth Shukla.” He says smiling wide. 

“But we are already friends right?” She says in a casual manner, Vikas nodes. 

“That totally got out of my mind.” 

“Vikas! What about the staying arrangement?” Comes a person and gets confused seeing a girl along with him. 

“Vikas!” She looks at Vikas with wide eyes, “that means you’re only Vikas.” She pouts, “you were making fool of me from so long.” She glares at him; here she has been thinking that he will help her to find Vikas. 

Vikas glares at the person who spoil all his fun, “Vishal you had to come now only? Can’t you come after a while?” Vikas says glaring him. 

“Why? So that you could make more fun of me. From so long you were laughing on me, right? Go I am not talking to you.” Saying so Shehnaaz moves from there while Vikas follows her not before glaring Vishal. 

Vishal looks at their direction totally surprised, who is that girl? Why is she behaving so friendly with Vikas? Vikas knows her from before? Obviously or why will he go behind her. 

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