~{PART 58}~

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"Vikas I am here for shooting and if you all are in mood of get together, I am leaving." Siddharth eyes fix on Shehnaaz, glaring her. She is gulping her saliva in fear. 

"What you guys are doing over here? Let's start with the shooting." Vikas acts serious seeing the volcano erupting from Siddharth. 

One by one everyone gets up, Siddharth moves from there not before gifting Shehnaaz with a deadly glare. Shehnaaz gets up from the chair and is going follow him but Asim holds his wrist. 

"Where are you going?" With a questioning graze. 

"He is angry on me and I will have to placate him." She again tries to get up but Asim drags her back. 

"Are you mad, Sana? What had we decided?" Making her to remember about it. 

"But than what about Siddharthhh... he will flume in anger." She makes a pout staring at him. 

"You want that to happen or not?" She nodes, "then lets carry on we our plan." Signs and agree with him. 


There is a knock on Siddharth vanity van, he just feels content after listening to it. He has being wondering that how come Shehnaaz didn't follow him, to pacify. He masks an uninterested look and calls the person in. Only to get disappoint as it is not Shehnaaz but a staff person. 

"What?" Irritating voice. 

"Vikas sir has call you for shoot." The person informs and Siddharth nodes letting him to leave. 

"Why she didn't came to pacify to me?" The thought troubling him.  Being frustrated he moves out of the vanity, making his way towards the shooting area. 

Shehnaaz and Asim has being busy sharing something looking in his cell. The moment Asim eyes lands on Siddharth entering, he whispers "Sana he is coming." With that he wraps his hand on her shoulder. 

Shehnaaz glance at the direction and then pulls Asim cheeks while acting as if giggling on his some joke. "You're so funny Asim, with you I don't feel boring at all." 

With the view in front of him, Siddharth is fuming in jealous. She has no time to pacify me but she can sit here and laugh on Asim's joke. 

"Vikas when is shooting going to start." Bursting his all anger on poor Vikas, who is giving him innocent look. He is just trying to guess out what's wrong? He has being all fine a minute ago. 

"It's going to start! Sushant what's happening?" Now it is Vikas turn to shout on director. 

"Bro is full on turning mad. I am enjoying it." Asim chuckles seeing it. 

Shehnaaz hits him on his stomach through her elbow, "don't tease him." Making a sad face. 

"Someone is feeling bad," in a teasing voice rubbing his stomach where she has hit him. 

"Asim stop it!" Turning red but trying hard to glare him. 

"Aww you look so cute while blushing," pulling her cheeks making her to giggle in return. 

At that moment Shehnaaz eyes lands on Siddharth whose eyes has turn red in anger and jealously. She feels bad for him and is going to move towards him when he moves out from there. Asim too is looking at the same direction, he than glances at Shehnaaz gulping his saliva. 

"Sana it will be better if we stop our act over here or he will burst like an volcano." Shivering in fear. 

"I told you idiot," hitting on his head. "This plan is not going to work, he is surely going to kill us." Shehnaaz speaks making Asim to bite his nails in horror. 

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