~{PART 27}~

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Days have been passing by and so has bonds have been developing. People has been getting along with each other in a better way, one month as passed by. Siddharth who has a feeling that he will have hard time dealing with this environment is actually having a wonderful time due to the person who has been his source of entertainment during this period.

"Oh! So, you mean to say that here one evil spirit is roaming from the day that queen has been killed by the king." Vikas asks munching the chips while listening to Shehnaaz with full dedication.

"Yeah and you know villagers say that the next day her spirit killed him." Shehnaaz says sounding damn scared making Vikas too scared listening to it. His is biting his nails been scared.

"Wow! Then how come that king didn't became a spirit?" a logical question is asked by a logical person.

Asim chuckles, "but what would have he done becoming a spirit as the person who killed him was already a spirit." Asim laughs and gives hi-fi to Siddharth while he is smiling.

"Now stop this ghost story and leave before your aunty starts searching for you." Siddharth says making Shehnaaz realize that it's her time to leave.

"I totally forgot about it; I have to move alone to the village." Shehnaaz says making a pout and looking at Asim with hope.

"What? I am not coming now, I have so many things to be arranged for tomorrow. You leave." Asim says making Shehnaaz more scared.

"How will I move alone? It is already turning dark. What if that spirit came in front of me? Tried to kill me? I don't want to die so soon; I still didn't fall in love." She says getting damn scared. Siddharth stares at this girl been amazed is she for real?

"You don't mind to be kill if you fall in love with someone?" Siddharth asks her been amazed.

She nodes, "if once I will fall in love than I will ask the spirit to let me marry him, then to have kids, then to grow old with him." Asim laughs listening to it.

"And you think that spirit will listen to you?" Asim knows what the reply is going to be.

"Obviously she is girl after all and girl can understand girl pain." Listening to it for the very first time Siddharth burst into laughter. The very first time Vikas is seeing him laughing, Shehnaaz is staring at him with wide eyes while Asim is having the same expression. He is laughing! What a miracle.

Seeing everyone's eyes on him, he stops himself.

"You look so cute while laughing," Shehnaaz says an adorable smile on his face, "why don't you laugh often?" She asks him.

Siddharth goes to a flash back...

"Mom... and you know that idiot what he did...hahaha... hahaha..." he himself starts laughing remembering it.

"You look so good while laughing, beta." She slowly caresses his face, "why don't you laugh?" pressing a kiss on his forehead.

"Hey! What happened where you got lost?" Shehnaaz says moving a hand in front of him. He nodes his head in a negative manner after coming out of his thoughts.

"I am leaving alone but if anything, happen to me than the blame will be on Asim. You both are the proof." Shehnaaz says looking at Vikas and Siddharth.

"Why me?" Asim asks been shock.

"Why me?" Shehnaaz imitates his tone, "you are the one who is letting me alone. For you your work is more important than me." She says wiping off her fake tears.

"Stop doing the drama, more than that evil spirit you're eviler." Asim says seeing her dramas, "I will come along with you no spirit will harm you."

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