~{PART 33}~

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“Mom! What happened to you? Open your eyes mom.” Siddharth is patting her cheeks trying to wake her up. “Mom please don’t scare me like this, please wake up.” With that he carries her in his arms and make his way out. 

He is damn tense seeing his mom in such a condition when on the way his neighbor who is an old man stops him. “Siddharth what happened to your mom? Sunita what happened to you?” That person asks been concerned for her. 

“I don’t know dada she fainted suddenly; I am taking her to hospital.” Siddharth says been impatient seeing his mom in such condition. 

“I will come along with you.” With that both moves to the nearby government hospital. 

After half hour doctor comes out after checking Sunita, “I have already informed her to take care of herself in such a condition. I even said that she need complete bed rest or condition will turn worse and that what happened with her.” Doctor says been pissed with her carelessness. 

“Ramesh ji, I have even informed you right that don’t let her work in such condition.” Doctor scolds the person along with Siddharth on looking at him. 

“What condition are you talking about doctor? What is he talking dada? Mom came for a checkup over here?” Siddharth asks been shock, he has no knowledge that his mom has been not well. How come that be possible? Dada knows it but not he, her own son! 

“Beta I wanted to tell you about her health but she didn’t allow me saying that you will get stress…” he is going to speak further but Siddharth stops him. 

“I want to know what happened to her?” Sounding scared as he is having a feeling that something is worse. 

“Who are you?” Doctor asks him and then look at Ramesh, “is he her son?” Ramesh nodes. Doctor looks at Siddharth, “you might be having no knowledge that your mom is suffering from brain tumor.” This blast like a bomb to Siddharth, he is staring at doctor been numb, did he hear it right? His mom, his own mom is suffering from a brain tumor! “I will suggest that we do the operation, from past so many days I am telling her but she is not listening to me. You should take an urgent decision or you might lose her.” Saying so doctor moves from there. 

Only one thing is revolving in Siddharth mind that his mom is suffering from brain tumor and he has not idea about it. What kind of son he is? His mom has been suffering so much, he has seen her been all tired and sleeping at most of the time. Even she used to forget some or other thing but he always took it for granted thinking that it has been due to her growing age. Never that thought cross his mind that she might be ill. Seeing his such a condition Ramesh puts a hand on his shoulder as he knows that how much he loves his mother. And can’t even think of losing her. Siddharth looks at him. 

“You knew everything dada but you still hide it from me.” There is frustration underlying in his voice, that frustration which is on himself that how come he didn’t know about his own mom such condition, her pain, how? 

“I wanted to beta but your mother stopped me.” Ramesh says trying to make him understand that he has been having no other option. 

“And you listened to her knowing that how important that operation is still you agreed with her?” Siddharth gives him unbelievable look. His mom must have been mad but he too, came in her talks. How can he? When he has been knowing that it is about her life. 

“That operation needed money which you couldn’t afford. I myself is not rich but I gave her money how much I could help but still more money was needed. Doctor has clearly said that after this operation too there are less chances that she might survive, she didn’t want to put burden of that loan on you. I so much requested her but she didn’t listen to me. She used to tell that how many days is left she want to see happiness in your face which she won’t get if you got to know about her health. She is not to blame for all this beta, she just loves you a lot.” His says making a tear to drop from corner of Siddharth eyes, he knows that his mom loves him a lot. 

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