~{PART 37}~

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“She thought that if I reach here, he will be fine as he might be missing me. As it is first time, I have been away from him.” Shehnaaz says again bending her head making Siddharth to glare at her, she is supporting that aunt and he knows why. 

“Sana are you gone mad! We very well know that she lied to bring you over here and I am sure that she had blackmail you but why on earth are you getting scared of her? I am there and police is there for you. Tell him everything.” Asim tries to encourage her to speak the truth but Shehnaaz stands there quiet. 

“What are you even trying to say? That I torture her? What if she is not my daughter but I always treated as mine. I can never think of harming her.” Aunt is trying to act innocent and wipes off her fake tears. 

“You’re such fake person, if you have not harm her then who was that lady who has been fisting her hair? Infront of everyone outside Asim’s house? who was that person who burned her hand last time when we came to take her?” Madurima says moving towards Shehnaaz making Siddharth to move back. “See this mark are still on her hand.” She shows it to police making him to stare at aunt with anger. “You’re lucky that Shehnaaz didn’t wanted to complain against you or till now you both have been locked in lockup for doing something like this. We were telling her but she didn’t wanted to punish you both as she considered you both as her aunt and uncle.” Madurima says glaring them, this makes uncle to stare at Shehnaaz been astonished, she really didn’t wanted to complain against them. And they have been torturing such a pure soul, how can they turn up to be so cruel?  

“Is she speaking the truth?” Police asks looking at the aunt. 

“No sir she is just lying, I don’t even know that she got her hand burn.” Aunt moves towards Shehnaaz faking her concern, “how you burned it dear? You didn’t inform me too about it? And why this people are putting blame on me? Don’t tell me that they harmed you like this.” Her this statement makes Shehnaaz to look at her with wide eyes, she is trying to put blame on those who came to save her. “I am sure sir that they burned her hand and I am definitely sure they have been torturing her and now they are scared that she will complain against them so they are trying to put all the blame on me.” Aunt is trying to play a master stroke. 

“It’s nothing like that! They didn’t burn my hand it got burn while I was cooking something and I didn’t inform it to aunt as I didn’t wanted to worry her.” Shehnaaz comes in support for the rest which pisses aunt off and she tries to press the burn portion. Making her to hiss in pain which Siddharth notices it. He pushes off her hand from Shehnaaz giving her a glare and slowly rubbing the part but not looking at Shehnaaz as he is angry on her as she is lying and supporting her aunt while Shehnaaz is staring at his face with teary eyes. How much does he care for her even when she herself is asking him to leave. 

“Shehnaaz why are you doing this? Tell him about the torture they are doing on you, they don’t consider you as their daughter they are doing it for property.” Vikas those words make Shehnaaz shock how come he know about it? 

“Vikas is telling truth beta they are just with you both for property, you been so innocent was not able to know their tricks. I always knew their mentality but never got guts to fight against them. But by god grace you got this people in your life, god is giving you chance to escape from this hell. Please make use of it don’t spoil your life, beta.” Dadi says been teary eyes, she is losing hope seeing her supporting them. “Don’t worry about Shehbaaz beta nothing will happen to him, we all are here and police is also there, no one will be able to harm him.” A last ray of hope in seen in her eyes but Shehnaaz is standing there without a word from her mouth. 

“Why are you quiet Sana? Tell them why you came here running, what you saw when you entered in your brothers’ room.” Uncle voice makes everyone to stare at him been amazed. Aunt gets tense and moves towards him to stop him but he ignores her. “Tell her beta that you saw your brother breathing hard when you entered in his room. And then you requested your aunt holding her leg to give him his dose or he will die but she agreed to do it only if you promise that you won’t keep your leg out of this house.” Uncle is speaking making Shehnaaz to stare at him with teary eyes, she never thought that he will support her going against his wife. 

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