~{PART 38}~

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Shehnaaz is in the room where his brother is kept along with dadu. Who has come to see if Shehbaaz condition is fine as he is brought to new environment. 

“How is he dadu?” Shehnaaz standing on the other side of the bed sounding worried.

“Nothing to worry, he is fine. When I checked him before in the village, his pulses have been abnormal that maybe due to removal of the oxygen mask as you told me but now his condition is normal.” Dadu says and Shehnaaz nodes staring once at his brother. 

“Dadu you didn’t inform her about the London doctor.” Asim says been excited to share that news with Shehnaaz. 

Shehnaaz look at dadu with a curious look, “yes Sana I have told you right about the London doctor with whom I recently talked. I told about Shehbaaz entire medical history and for the very first time we got a positive response but there is one problem we will have to keep Shehbaaz under his observation before he can start with the treatment. We will have to take him to London.” He says sounding tense seeing Shehnaaz worried face. 

“London? How we will go to London and it will require lots of money what about it?” Shehnaaz asks getting worried. 

“Why are you worrying about money Sana don’t forget that you are billionaire’s daughter.” Asim blurt out but on seeing Shehnaaz shock face he realize that this fact is still hidden from her. 

“Billionaires daughter?” Shehnaaz asks looking at them both been suspicious seeing dadu glaring Asim. 

“I know Sana you will be angry on us for hiding such a big thing from you but it was your father’s wish. He wanted to let you live a life of a middle-class person as that would teach you worth of money. He never wanted you to be proud or be egotist on knowing that you’re rich. He been a billionaire never forgot his origin that has been reason that he never left this village. Where there is no facility of 24 hours electricity, though he has planned to do development over here so that villagers too like him would be able to became someone in their life.  For that reason, he had gone to city to attend the meeting when he met with the accident, soon the project was going to start but before that... His dream of developing this village did remain a dream.” Controlling his emotion, he looks at Shehnaaz, “you don’t need to worry about money. I know where it is kept, we can get it whenever we want. I am sure if we take Shehbaaz over there then surely he will get better.” Dadu says his eyes shining with hope giving hope to others too present over there. 

“I too have heard about Edward Maxwell and I am sure you’re talking about him.” Vikas says entering in and Siddharth to follows him who has been listening to their conversation. Dadu nodes, “he is a brilliant doctor and I am sure Shehbaaz will get better. I think you should leave to meet him and start his treatment as early as possible.” Vikas says glancing at Shehnaaz then at her dadu. 

“Sana I will just say you have a thought about it and I will be ready to come along with you whenever you want to leave.” Says dadu and Shehnaaz nodes. 

“But dadu I want to fulfil my dad’s dream, I know Shehbaaz health is important but at the same time I want that dad dreams to become a reality. I want to make it a reality.” Shehnaaz says making dadu and the rest present over there look at her with a proud smile on their face. 

“Your dad will be very proud after listening to you.” Dadu says with a smile, “I am always there with you in your all decision.” Making Shehnaaz to have a bright smile on her face. With that dadu move out and Asim moves to see him off. 

Shehnaaz glance at Siddharth once and glaring him she moves towards Shehbaaz bed, keeping the pillow beside him properly and also keeping the tablet back on it place which has been laying on the bed. Vikas glance at Siddharth who too is shooting draggers at Shehnaaz and he feels it is better that he leaves as he don’t what to be trap between angry lion and lioness. As his is going to take a step outside when Dey enters the room and Vikas is shock as he is the first one to notice him. “Now what on earth he is doing over here?” He thought revolving in his mind. 

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