~{PART 32}~

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"I want to tell you something." He whispers making her to look at into his eyes in which she can see pain which he is trying hard to hide. She nodes in a manner to encourage him to speak. He bends his head looking at the ground as he knows if he looks at her, he won't be able to tell it, the fear that what will she think about him will again cross his mind.

Seeing it Shehnaaz goes and sit beside him, holding his hand in hers. Been there with him but still making him comfortable and feel that he is all alone. He moves his graze towards the waterfall and going back to his journey of past which he never gave himself to forget.

"Life as a child has been wonderful when I had no knowledge about my real identity as been living peacefully with my mother. But life did change when I started going to school, I used to see children talking about father. People in neighborhood behaving differently with me and my mother, my own grandparents' rude behavior with mom. I was trying to understand everything, once when I was playing with one of the neighborhood kid." Siddharth is narrating the entire incident with a blank expression.


"I am not out don't you get it?" A ten-year child is shouting on the other child of same age.

"You are stamp out and why are you lying?" The other person shouts back.

"You will tell me whether I am out or not? Don't forget this is my bat and I can make my own rule. I am not out." The boy says glaring the other.

"This bat is yours doesn't means you will do anything. You're out!" He is not going to give up so easily.

"Let it be, Siddharth if he wants to play again. It's his bat we can't do anything." The other boy around same age who has been fielding says.

"What if its his bat? He will do anything he wish to? This is game and it should be played fair, he is doing cheating and I won't appreciate it." Siddharth says making the other boy fume in anger. He moves towards him in anger.

"You will stop me? You will tell me what is fair and what is not when your illegitimate." Those words from him shock Siddharth as well as the other boy with him.

"Varun do you even know what are you saying?" The other boy asks been shock.

"I know what I am saying, I heard my own parents talking about it. He is illegitimate." Siddharth not able to hear those words more, he punches him on his face and blood comes out from his face with Siddharth only one punch. He is looking at him with dangerous eyes while Varun falls down on the floor.

"Not a word! If I again hear you saying something like that, I will kill you." Saying so Siddharth moves from there in anger, he has been in no mood to go to his house so has been roaming just like that.

After half an hour he makes his way towards his house when he sees his mom along with grandparents are waiting for someone outside and along with them Varun and his mother is also present. He gets to know that he has complained to his mother and now they have come to his mom. He takes slow step move towards them.

The moment his mom eyes goes on her son, she rushes towards him. "Siddharth did you beat him?" She asks with a hope that he will deny but he nodes, making her upset in front of all.

"I told you see, now he is accepting too. Why you punch my son face, see how much he is bleeding." Varun's mom shouts on him.

"Siddharth how can you behave like this?" His grandfather scolds him and then look at Varun's mom, "I am really sorry for what he did. I promise that he won't repeat such mistake again." Folding his hand in front of them.

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