~{PART 53}~

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"But why you hide such a thing from us?" Asim asks as they have being baffle after knowing about Shehnaaz going to coma.

"We had to or he would have never confessed about his sin." Dadu says staring at Shehbaaz who is present over there with a rage. He is sitting there with his head bend, he is either guilty or planning something in his head.

"So you knew about it before handed?" Vikas asks being surprise, this has being beyond his imagination that Shehbaaz will be into all this.

"Not exactly but Sana had noticed the bracelet in his hand when he pushed her towards Jay car. She has been shock at the moment and after the memory back first thing she remembered was that bracelet, Shehbaaz too was unaware that Sana had seen it." Dadu stares at Shehbaaz who himself is amaze with this new piece of information. His has no clue that Shehnaaz has recognise him that day.

Asim stares at Shehbaaz in a fierce manner. Shehbaaz diverts his sight not able to take his intense glares. "I still can't believe it is he?" Shaking his head in disbelief, "that panic attack, those depression has all been fake. I really don't understand how can brother turn out to be so cruel. Of that sister, who always sacrificed her life for him." He glance at Shehbaaz with a infuriate graze "I feel commiserated not for Sana but for you. You're really misfortune as you loss most precious thing of your life just because of your foolishness. You don't deserve her either." He speaks being enrage.

"We have been simply wasting our time on others," glancing at others present over there. "There was no one helping Dey, he has been just trapping us with his tricks. This all was just a coincidences." Dadu says getting surprise on his own theories, they has being fool all this while.

Vikas is standing there being quiet, he is still not fully convinced. Is there really no one helping Dey out? If not than how he plan that car break? How he get to know about that car? Why it feels that still some pieces are not place in that jigsaw puzzle?


Siddharth slowly moves towards Shehnaaz taking a sit beside her on the bed. She still sitting there with her head bend. Siddharth stares at her for a while and than calls her out.

"Meri jaan, what's the matter? You're fine, right?" He asks feeling concern knowing well that she is not at all fine. He slowly rubs her hand with his, trying to give her comfort.

"Jaan tu thik hai na?" (Life are you fine?) asking once again this time turning restless. He want to listen to her voice, he can't take her silence any more. He need to feel at peace that she is perfectly fine. He cups her face with his one hand, she is so small. Her entire face can be cover by his one hand and force her to look at him.

Though he has raise her face up but still she is not meeting his eyes. "Sweetheart kuch bolegi bhi?" (will you talk ?) He is sounding desperate, that beautiful eyes of hers slowly raises itself and looks at him to only find love and concern for her.

On the other hand Siddharth finds pain in her eyes, the feeling of betrayer, the feeling of defeat, as if she has lost everything. "Baby," with that he cups her face with both his hand on either side of her face. His thumbs slowly caressing her cheeks and brushing those tears off. She sobbing and staring him which tearful eyes, that makes to pierce his heart. He can't see her like that so much broken. Why did Shehbaaz did something like this to her?

He moves close towards her, their faces just a inch away . "Tu pagal hai kya? (Are you mad?) Stop crying baby." With that he pulls her for a hug, making her to rest her head on his chest, while he wraps his hand around her shoulder. Pressing a kiss on her forehead pulling her close to himself, she closing her eyes and sobbing silently listening to his heartbeat.

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