~{PART 44}~

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"It was Dey who called and has been saying that Shehnaaz is along with him," he speaks dialing one more number. "You call Vikas and ask him about it." Sounding desperate as the person is not receiving the call. "Why on earth she is not answering my call?" He is feeling restless at the moment.

"Sana is not receiving her cell? What should I do of this girls? She hardly keeps her cell with herself, I am sure she will be fine. Nothing will happen to her." Mahi has been assuring herself that nothing bad is going to happen to Shehnaaz when she feels a pain in her tummy and she shouts. "Ahh! Its paining!" This time she feels a the pain increasing making Jay's mom to hold her through her shoulder.

"I think it is a labor pain," Jay's mom says getting tense seeing her daughter in law condition getting worse, Jay too move towards her carrying her in his arms in a bridal style.

"It is better that you take her to the hospital, her condition is turning worse." Siddharth says getting up in hurry, "I will take a leave."

"But Shehnaaz..." even in that pain the one thought revolving in Mahi's mind is Shehnaaz.

"I will see to it," saying so Siddharth opens the door to help Jay to move out along with Mahi in his arms. Jay's mom locked the door and everyone soon makes their way to their respective cars, Siddharth dialing Shehnaaz number on repeat.

What is wrong with her? Does really Dey took her along with him? How can it be possible, he has asked Vikas to look after her. At that moment Vikas name pops in his mind and he dials his number, on second ring he picks it up.

"Hello! Siddharth where are you?" Vikas asks having slight knowledge that where he can be but want to conform it from him.

"First you tell me where is Shehnaaz?" Siddharth says sounding desperate, "and why on earth is she not receiving my calls?" this time sounding restless.

"Khushi must be in her vanity van why?" Vikas asks sounding confused.

"What you mean by must be? I have specially told you to look after her and you have no idea where she is?" He shakes his head in disbelief, pressing the accelerator of the car to fastening his speed. "Now please do me a favor go and have a look at her for god sake." This time raising his voice, getting Vikas to know that something is definitely wrong.

"I am going!" with that from the other side only some whispering, moving of footsteps and also breathing sounds can be heard. Siddharth eyes are fixed on the road trying to reach there as early as possible.

"What are you doing over here Asim?" is the first thing Siddharth hears, knowing that something is definitely wrong as Vikas is sounding tense. He hardly gets tense unless the situation is worse. There is some mummering which Siddharth is unable to hear, so he shouts. "What the hell is happening? Shehnaaz is there or not?" Siddharth shouts in anger.


Asim looks at the cell in Vikas hand from which low voice can be heard. Vikas too stares at the cell that is when he realizes that Siddharth is still on call. He puts it on speaker gesturing Asim to speak up knowing well that Siddharth won't spare him.

"Bro, I have just come to meet Sana as I didn't find her returning from the vanity for half an hour and when I entered in, she is nowhere to be found. I asked her makeup man and she is saying that she went along with some man. Her cell too she left behind, I have just now seen your miss calls in her cell. He knows the man he is none other than..." Asim is interrupted by Siddharth.

"Dey, he came to take her along with her. Bloody shit!" he bangs his hand on steering wheel getting frustrated on himself. "How could I be such a fool, he did all this purposely, creating his own story about the past to win her confident. Everything was planned! Why I leave her there? Bloody!" Cursing himself for not getting his tricks.

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