~{PART 26}~

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Vikas is standing behind him where Siddharth is looking at the path before him. Deeply hurt by again the caller, he has no idea why the caller has problem with him? Why that person is behind him from so many years?

"You again hurting yourself due to that person?" Vikas makes him to face him.

"Vikas please I don't want any lecture at the moment." Siddharth says been pissed.

"I am not giving you any lecture but just trying to say..." but Vikas is interrupted by Siddharth.

"I don't need anyone please leave me alone." Siddharth speaks in rather rude manner making Vikas to get hurt with his tone. He just bends his head and again tries to open his mouth when someone else speaks for him.

"How can you behave with him in such a manner? He is trying to talk to you and you're behaving with him so rudely." That voice makes Siddharth to glance at the person who has come there. She is none other than Shehnaaz Gill along with her Asim is also present there. "I felt that you might be hurt by the person who called you but here you're hurting the person who cares a lot about you." Shehnaaz says making Vikas amazed that she is taking stand for him.

"Shehnaaz you're taking it wrong he is not behaving in any rude manner or..." He is again going to speak but Siddharth again stops him.

"No! Let her tell it." Siddharth first look at Vikas and then glance at Shehnaaz, "like others you too call me arrogant after all with whom you're sitting nowadays you will find me arrogant and rude." Siddharth says looking at her with stern look. He has been indirectly pointing out Dey's and her talks but Shehnaaz didn't got what he is speaking but Asim did. He is staring at Siddharth trying to guess from his face that why he behaves in such a manner with Vikas.

Saying so Siddharth moves from there but this time Vikas don't follow him, first obviously he is hurt and second he knows that he need time to deal with this all. Not saying a word all three enters inside, their minds occupied with their own thoughts. Vikas been sad that his friend is still not able to move on from his past, Asim trying to understand that Siddharth who he is slowly discovering, Shehnaaz fully confused with what is happening?

The moment they enter inside the mansion, they find Siddharth bumps with a staff member and he shouts on him as his mood is already off.

"What the hell! Can't you walk properly? How come you all act so unprofessional?" Siddharth is shouting on him gaining everyone's attention over there.

"Stop acting like a Hitler on the set! You're not the producer so stop acting as if you're." Come Dey voice pissing him more off.

"Dey please stop it! Not again." Vikas says knowing that Siddharth mood is already off and he don't want Dey to trigger him more.

"Why you always have to act as his savior?" Dey says getting annoyed.

"Dey stop it! Its lunch break for god sake." Rashmi says getting pissed with him.

"That he too should understand that it is lunch break." Dey is in no mood to back off.

"What you want to do? You want to fight with me? That what will satisfy your ego, right? Come then." Siddharth says moving towards him been furious.

"No! Sid you're not going to do anything like that." Vikas moves towards them been worried, he knows that Siddharth will kick him out as he is not in a mood.

"No, Vikas don't you dare to stop me today. He has asked for it and he will have to deal with it." With that he moves towards him and there is sudden blow on Dey face making his lip to bleed.

He is punching him with that hand which is bandaged as he has harm himself yesterday. That bandage is turning red from white after his each punch along with that Dey face is too turning red. Vikas, Asim and Vishal is trying to stop him but no use, Dey is trying to punch him but no use too. Shehnaaz is just staring at his furious face where rest can see his anger but she finds that pain hiding behind it. That helplessness he is feeling at that moment and trying to express it out through his anger.

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