~{PART 24}~

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Vikas is standing in the entrance of the mansion time and again glancing at his wrist watch. His eyes fixed on the path outside. Vishal who has been passing by looks at him been confused and moves towards him. He too stares at the same direction as his. 

“Whom are you waiting for?” Listening to sudden voice, Vikas first get shock and then glares Vishal. 

“I am waiting for Shehnaaz.” He says his eyes back on the path. 

“Shehnaaz, she is really a very beautiful soul due to her yesterday everyone enjoyed so much or it’s always so boring working with you.” Vishal says making faces. 

“Oh! So, it’s boring working with me? Then why you even work with me? You’re free to leave I will replace you with Asim, he is much better than you.” Vikas says glaring Vishal, while he makes a puppy face. 

“I was just kidding, don’t take me seriously but why are you waiting for Shehnaaz?” Vishal asks too staring at the same path. 

“I don’t know I found an instant connection with her. She has that thing in her personality, if you ones meet her you start liking her innocence.” Vikas says with an adorable smile, Vishal nodes agreeing with it. 

At that moment they both see Asim coming from the path all alone, they stare at him been confused. Why she didn’t come? 

“Asim you came alone where is Shehnaaz?” Vikas asks his eyes still glancing on the path, to see if she is coming. 

“She has some urgent work to handle. She will come soon.” Asim says and moves to do his work. 

“Don’t you find this Asim strange at times. I mean he didn’t want Shehnaaz to come here daily.” Vishal says looking at his retreating figure. 

“It’s nothing like that and you stop behaving like Madurima. He just didn’t want to trouble her due to him. Now let’s move for shooting.” Saying so Vikas and Vishal moves from there. 


“Vikas this scene doesn’t suit over there. How come my personality who hardly believes in this ghost will believe it and will get ready for that puja? These entire scene is not making sense.” Siddharth says reading the script for the next scene. 

“Now what new mistake have you found?” Dey says getting annoyed. “I don’t understand that why you only have problem with my script, remaining all are okay with it.” He says pointing to the rest of the cast. 

“What I can do if they didn’t find anything in it? But my character won’t do such thing.” Siddharth says as if it is obvious. 

“I know why you do it always, you just like to trouble me with your changes.” Dey says his voice loud. 

“Don’t think that you only can shout, I can shout much louder than you.” Siddharth says raising his voice much louder than him. “I was just sharing my view that too with Vikas why you jumped in?” Siddharth says moving towards him. 

“But was pointing out my mistake, right? I am the one who have spent hours writing it and now you can’t simply make me to change it.” Dey says bouncing back. 

“So before writing use your brain, how can you simply write anything?” Siddharth says making Dey angrier. Both are standing inch away. 

“You both just stop it! What’s wrong with you both? Just stop it! Can’t for once you both forget your grudges and concentrate on work.” Vikas shouts at them getting pissed with their fights. 

“Tell him to stop finding faults in my work.” Dey says glaring at him who is already shooting draggers at him. 

“I am not finding faults as your script already consists of faults.” Siddharth says in a sarcastic way. 

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