~{PART 40}~

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“I love you please talk to me.” She whispers making Siddharth and rest to listen it as her whispers are also loud. 

Listening to it some are having a mischievous teasing smile; some are amazed but happy too and remaining fuming in anger some in jealously. The only person who is shock and staring at Shehnaaz with surprise is the person to whom she confesses it that to in front of everyone, how should he react now? 

She slowly raises her head and look at him, who staring at her with utter amusement. “What? Why are you looking at me like that? Does love means only bad one? I love you in a positive way.” Shehnaaz says making Siddharth to nodes having no idea what this love you in positive way means. With that she hugs him again and he too wraps his hand around her waist, holding her close to him. Somewhere showing to all those who has been after her that she is only his indirectly. 

“Shehnaaz if you don’t mind then can I ask what this love you in positive way means?” Vikas asks not leaving the opportunity he got to tease them while Siddharth glares him but innocent kid breaks the hug really been dedicated to answer his question. 

“Love in a positive way means not gandha wala love but positive wala.” Shehnaaz says trying to explain them but in return confusing them more. 

“Now what on the earth is gandha wala love?” Vikas asks been desperate to know new theories of love from his newly found love guru. 

“Why do you want to know all this? Are you going to write a book on it or what?” Asim says narrowing his eyes at him. He knows that this theory only works for Shehnaaz and it contain no logic in it. 

“I might not write book on it but will definitely want to make a show.” Vikas these words make Asim to give him horrified look. 

“Please Vikas you’re already going to torture them with this show please spare them no other show please.” Asim says in a pleading voice making everyone to laugh while Shehnaaz holds Siddharth hands, interwinding her fingers with him. Rashmi glance at it and a drop of tear is going to escape from her eyes but she wipes it off, glaring at them. This scene is witness by Dey who has a blank expression seeing it. 


Shehnaaz is in Shehbaaz room giving him his medicine when Vikas enters inside. 

“So, you’re here? From when Siddharth has been asking about you.” Vikas says making Shehnaaz to smile been excited. Siddharth has been calling out for her. 

“Really?” Vikas nodes taking a sit on sofa in the room. “What was he saying?” She is sounding damn excited and Vikas smiles seeing it. 

“He has been searching you whole around the mansion, calling your name like a mad person.” Listening to Shehnaaz giggles knowing well that Vikas is pulling her legs and more than that knowing Siddharth well that he won’t ever do such things. 

“Why he was searching me?” Shehnaaz asks been confused. 

“Because you forget that it was lunch break and we do have it together.” Asim comes glaring her as he too wanted to have lunch with her but see forgot it and has been busy with Shehbaaz. 

Shehnaaz hit her head on realising, “did you all have your lunch? I am sorry that really got out of my mind, after so many days I got to talk with Shehbaaz so I was busy telling him about all of you. Now he knows you all.” Shehnaaz says glancing at Shehbaaz, “kyu hai na Shehbaaz.” (Isn’t it Shehbaaz?) Says Shehnaaz making Vikas to glance at him and smile. 

“I am sure that we both will get along well, am I right Shehbaaz?” Vikas says with a smile at that moment Shehnaaz search for the person missing. 

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