~{PART 48}~

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The very next moment after getting to know about Shehnaaz from Asim, Siddharth hires the first taxi he comes across. Making his way to the biggest hospital near that village as he thinks that she might have been taken over there.

Taking a seat, his sight goes out of the window drifting him back to his past memories. 


Shehnaaz has been busy packing her bag while Siddharth just laying on the bed, eyes close. Witnessing her dramas, this is nothing new for him. Vikas who has been present over there has been helping her out with her plan.

"Khushi are you sure that you want to leave? You really don't want to join us for tomorrow's blast? Come on! it is Siddharth birthday tomorrow." Vikas is trying to act sad but who will tell him that he really is bad at it.

Shehnaaz makes a pout seeing Siddharth not at all getting affected by her dramas. Shehnaaz gives Vikas puppy look making him melt and to try something else. He can't see his Khushi with that pout. For that he is ready to mess with an angry lion, he even doesn't mind being his prey.

"Sid just listen to her once." Vikas requests him, which makes Siddharth to move his eye and look at him with an uninterested look.

"I just want to sleep." With that he again closes his eyes, totally ignoring Vikas.

Seeing Siddharth not getting affected at all. Vikas gives Shehnaaz a helpless look, gesturing her that he can't help. Shehnaaz is going to force him further but then nodes, seeing that it is of no use.

They both move out of the room, making their way to the door entrance. Vikas before leaving glance once at her.

"He just mad at you that you came without informing. You know how protective he is regrading you. He will soon talk to you, you know he and his anger can never win against you." Vikas those words make her giggle as it is the truth. He can't stay angry with her for long, she won't ever give him to.

She closes the door and again enters the room only to see him laying on the bed. She slowly gets into the bed from the other side. She sits beside him just staring at him with a pout. He has been laying down closing his eyes, though feeling her graze on him.

"Siddharthhh... you won't talk to me?" She makes a pout staring at him, slowly cupping his face with both her hands. Siddharth resisting himself from opening his eyes, how can she manage to melt him so easily, her mere touch and his all anger vanish in second.

"I am sorry Siddharthhh... at least tell me what I did?" She looks at him with hopeful graze but there is no response from the other side. Now she glares at him, he really tests her patience. She has never in life pacify anyone, the way she does to him.

"Siddharth... Kitna paapi hai to." (how cruel are you.) This time having a bigger pout. "Will you talk to me or not?" In a demanding voice but it is answered by one more deep silence. Letting the breath out, getting annoyed with Siddharth's behavior.

"Siddharth..." grumbles while continuously punching him with her small baby hands, which are not at all affecting him. He been him still turns so that she does not hurt her hand and holds her small hands in his large one.

"What?" He asks raising a brow. Laying his back on the bed while facing the ceiling.

"Why are you angry with me?" Shehnaaz asks in her baby sweet voice, slowly bending her head, resting her it on his chest.

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