~{PART 41}~

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“You want to kill me, you’re free to do it. I won’t mind even if I am die as I did all this for the person I love. I am not like you who play with others feeling, I always loved only her and will always do. And I can go to any extent for her happiness, I did it for Rashmi.” This makes others as well as Rashmi shock. 

Rashmi stares at him trying to register what he just said, he loves her but when did this happen and how? Dey looks at Rashmi, “I never wanted to confess my feeling to you as I know that you don’t love me but him.” Dey says eyeing Siddharth who is glaring him and is in no mood to take his all this nonsense so he punches him again. 

“We don’t to listen to your love story. You just tell us that why on earth you tried to harm Shehnaaz? What had she done?” He is fuming in anger, trying hard to control himself as the flashes of her unconscious face comes in front of his eyes. 

“I didn’t had any grudges with her in fact in staring I really liked that girl; she is very innocent person. This everything became due to you, she used to always support you but that was not the reason but the fact that she started liking you. She started getting close to you and this togetherness was hurting Rashmi.” Dey says staring at Rashmi with a love radiating from it. Rashmi is staring at her with teary eyes, he did all this for her. “Though you never told be but I could see that pain in your eyes, this people might not believe you but I saw that guilt in your eyes when you saw Shehnaaz in pain due to you. I will say you did nothing wrong as everything is fair in love and war and you did it for your love.” Dey says receiving one more punch from Siddharth. 

“Everything is fair in love and war, like seriously? How come this type of mentality still exists in this world? You claim to love her but do you even know what love is? I just don’t get what is up with this generation, they in name of love keeps on committing crime and destroying life. Some just because a girl didn’t excepted their proposal don’t mind killing, raping or putting acid on them. I just don’t understand that if you claim to love that person how can you hurt them, how can you destroy that person life or even go to kill them? Love is turning out to be dangerous by passing days, as people go to any extent to get their love which is not love but an obsession, it is human nature to be stubborn to get the thing which he knows is beyond his reach.” Dadu comments seeing the things going around him. 

“I was not obsessed; I didn’t wanted Rashmi in my life but I just wanted her to be happy. I knew her happiness lies in Siddharth and I just wanted to give her that…” Dey words remains incomplete as Siddharth pushes making him to hit his head on that table, blood oozing from it. He moves towards him holding his collar in his hand. 

“That happiness by killing Shehnaaz, you bloody wanted to kill her. Dipping her head in that bathtub well aware that she will not be able to hold her breath for long time.” One more punch, “knowing well that Shehbaaz will not be able to help her.” Another one, “but your bad luck Asim reach there on time and saved Shehnaaz. Bringing your truth in front of all.” He is again going to punch him but Asim keeps a hand on his shoulder making Siddharth to turn and look at him with anger radiating from his eyes. 

“He is unconscious bro,” Asim says staring at Dey making Siddharth to look at him and realise that he is already unconscious. He leaves his collar letting him to fall on the ground, in anger he didn’t even realised that when he became unconscious. Siddharth turns and look at Vikas who is too glaring at the person on the floor, “Vikas I don’t want him in front of my eyes and if I see him then I am bloody sure I will kill him.” His voice sounding damn dangerous making every person present over there to shiver with fear. 

“Siddharth cool down, your anger is not going to change the situation. I know what he did is wrong but you too are not doing anything correct, he is bleeding we can’t throw him out like that.” Rashmi says getting concerned seeing him laying down, bleeding from noise and forehead. Listening to this Siddharth looks at Rashmi with a glare. 

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