~{PART 46}~

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That you should ask her but my six sense is saying I know it. Rashmi!" Mahi says somewhere making everyone agree on it too.

"Rashmi?" Though Vikas' mind is agreeing on it still his heart is finding it hard to believe it. Once she too held a great bond with him. He knows that she still holds feelings for Siddharth, she has reasons to do it but will she? Is the question still revolving in his brain?

"I will take leave. You and your baby take care of yourself." He says looking at Mahi and then glancing at baby which is in Jay's hand still sleeping peacefully. Mahi nodes trying hard to smile at him, she is still worried about Shehnaaz whereabouts.

"Do take care of yourself and Siddharth. He might be really tense." Jay says sounding concern regarding him. "I couldn't even help him, so much did I wanted to accompany him." This time sounding helpless as he left him alone after knowing about Shehnaaz too. At that moment Mahi's condition has been worse.

"He didn't allow me so there was no chance of you. And they are your responsibility and he understands it so he told me to have a look at you. See if you need help." Glancing at both of them Vikas continues, "your present is more important over here. You have always fulfilled your responsibility as a friend now give time to both of them. They need you and for Shehnaaz we all are present." Vikas ends it with a smile and a patting on his shoulder as if asking for a leave. Jay gets it and nods in agreement.

As Vikas steps to move out when Jay's mom calls him out. "Do tell Shehnaaz when you met her about Tara." Those words out from her mouth make Jay and Mahi look at her been amaze while Vikas nodes his head with a smile and take a leave.

"Tara?" Jay is staring at his mom with a questioning look. Is she the same woman whom he has been knowing for so many years? Did she agree with someone else on the biggest matter of her granddaughter's name?

She is escaping from his graze having no valid excuse to defend herself. Jay shakes his head in utter amazement really Shehnaaz has the power to change anyone with her kind pure nature.


Vikas moving through the corridor of the hospital, he dials a number. After waiting for a minute or so the person receives it. 

"Hello! Did you get any clue?" He asks a hope underlying in his serious voice. 

"No Vikas!" comes the answer from the other side sounding disappointed. 

"Did you even try?" Annoyance clearly radiating from his voice. "You very well know how serious this matter is Asim. You were the one who had to look after her, you let her alone for more than two hours and had guts to lie it to Siddharth. He has been tense as he didn't find it out. Now instead of taking it seriously, you're..." he is fuming in anger, frustration, irritation and what not seeing things happening around him. To those people who he values a lot in his life. 

"Stop it!" Asim has it enough, he can't take the blame anymore. "You're forgetting that I am connected to Sana much before you knew she exists on this earth and you have guts of blaming me? I know her from childhood and your claim that I will take such a serious matter lightly? Where there is a danger of her life?" Asim growls in anger, this is not what is expected from Vikas. 

His voice makes Vikas feel sinful as in all this mess, he has uttered rubbish. He opens his mouth to ask for an apology but it seems like Asim is in no mood to give him that opportunity. "I agree that I lied to Siddharth but if you really cared then why didn't you interrupted me and tell him the entire truth?" He pauses for a second to let Vikas justify himself

That question has come all of sudden making Vikas feel misplace, he is trying to put words together when Asim again continues. "I will tell you why? Because Siddharth had given you the responsibility of it. He trusts you more and that was the reason that he asked you to take care of her before leaving but what you did? You handed me the responsibility, can I blame on you for that? Maybe you did it purposely, one can never tell. You might get to know from somewhere that Aarthi bailed Dey due to Rashmi and to let her escape from this mess, you're blaming me. As years before she has been your friend." Says Asim been furious, Vikas listening to it too gets mad, how can he blame him like that? 

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