chapter 1

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It was a normal day. I drove to the store to buy some milk, eggs, potatoes, noodles and meat. When I was about to walk out I see my friend laila.

You- hey laila. I didnt know you where coming today. If you told me i could have drove you here.
Laila- hey. I didnt know I was coming today either but I saw the news and it said a outbreak was happening.
You- what outbreak?
Laila- I dont know to be honest but just in case we cant leave out homes so we dont get contaminated, I'm just gonna buy some food and stock up.
You- if you want I can give you a ride.
Laila- nahh... it's cool. I'll just use uber.
You- okay....well bye. Text me later.
Laila- okay. Bye

I walk to my car thinking about what she said but then thought it was nothing. I got in my car and drove home. Once I got home I turned on the t.v and put channel 3.

Channel 3- breaking news. As you all know the outbreak is dangerous. A man was twitching and puking black blood. After that the man was escorted to the hospital but in the ambulance the man started to act crazy and they had to tie him down. The man was a danger so the hospital tried to put him to sleep but it didnt work so sadly the had to kill him. May that man rest in peace.

That's so sad I thought in my head thinking about the virus again. I made me a cup of noodles and sat on the couch watching netflix. After 3 hours it was night time so I decided to go to bed.

*Boom* *boom* *gun shots* *screams*

I wake up to a noise. I heard people screaming and gunshots being fired. I look out my window really quick and I see 2 building's on fire. I grabbed my phone and called laila.

Laila- y/n please help me. I need help. I'm scared. Come to me please. Pick me up.
You- okay I'm coming just hide somewhere.

I grabbed my keys and left my put on my Van's and ran to my car. Once I got to my car I see. A big tree on it.
I ran back inside my house.

You- laila I cant come to you. A tree is on top of my car.
Laila- omg.... okay I'm going to come to you.
You- no hide somewhere and when everything cools down I'm going to come get you. Just hide.
Laila- okay I'll wait fo-
You- hello?hello?

I hung up the phone and threw it on my couch. I turn on the t.v and put channel 3.

Channel 3- the bombing and gun fire is for us to be safe.killing all the animals out there. Scientists and others believe that this is not just an outbreak. It's a zombie apocalypse. Shut your doors hide and dint get close to anyone who has been bitten or scratched or look sick. That's all for now but we will keep you posted.

A zombie apocalypse is happening? This cant be. I hope laila is safe. I hope I'll be safe. I thought to myself as I sat on my couch.

*bang bang bang bang bang*

I hear at my door banging and look through the peephole. I see my next door neighbor wendy. Shes 9 and she screams for my name while banging the door. I opened the door to her and she ran in. I locked the door behind her.

You- wendy what happened? Where are your parents? Are you okay?
Wendy- there dead. They got eaten by old man. I ran here bc I dont want to be alone.
You-okay. Are you bitten or scratched or sick?
Wendy- no. I'm just scared.
(starts crying)
You- it's okay. Your going to be fine. Here use my phone so you can call anyone you need to call.
Wendy- okay I'm going to call my brother.

I didnt know she had a brother. I thought I had just moved in 2 years ago and never seen him. Wendy come up to me saying he wants to talk to me. She hands me the phone and said his name is cam.

Cam- hello. Can you hold on to her until I get there please.
You- ofcourse. I'm not leaving her even if you do get here. Her parents always said if something happened to them to take care of her for them so shes not leaving my side now.
Cam- what happened to my parents?
You- I'm sorry but there dead. You may still come but shes not leaving my side no matter what.
Cam- okay. I'm on my way right now. Where do you live?
You- (you gave him your address)
Cam- okay on my way.

He hung up the phone and I sat with wendy and she just fell asleep on my lap. After a while she was asleep I fell asleep 5 hours go by and I was worried for cam and thinking what was taking so long for him to get here. I made some eggs for wendy because she was hungry. She sat at the table and ate her eggs with some bread. I went to the window to see if things calmed down but it didnt. I see zombies everywhere. I shut the curtains and called cam. But he didnt answer. Then I called laila and she didnt answer. I go to my room and opened the safe that was in my closet and took out a gun. I put some bullets in it and went back to my room and sat on the couch. Wendy looked at me then back to her food and kept eating. I hear a knock at my door. And went to it to see........

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