chapter 15

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y/n pov

I took swaggers to get his wound clean so it wouldn't get infected. I took his bandages off and looked at his wound to see if it was infected.  It wasn't infected but it still hurt for him. He was trying not to make any faces or any noise so i wouldn't notice that it hurt but i did notice. I didn't say anything tho because i didn't want to embarrass him. After cleaning his wound i put some clean bandages on him. 

You- All cleaned up.
Swaggers- Thanks. Sorry you have to do this all the time.
You- It's fine with me so no need to apologize. I'm just happy i can help get you better.
Swaggers- as long as ur not bothered by it then ok.
You- I'm sorry this happened to you.
Swaggers- it wasnt your fault. You needed help so I helped. Just like what your doing to me right now.
You- you're such a good person. I'm happy I met you.
Swaggers- I'm happy I met you too.

I smiled at him and he smiled back. I helped him up and put him inside the car. After that I went to the driver seat. I told cam to get out.

You- get out.
Cam- why?
You- you need to rest so imma drive and you can sleep.
Cam- no thanks I'm fine.
You- not a choice. Get out.

He smiles at me and holds out his fist.

Cam- rock, paper, siccors?
You- ha, funny. Get out.
Cam- worth a try.

He gets out and I hop in. I fix the seat and scouted it in to sit closer to the steering wheel because I was to small. Cam gets in. He grabs wendy and puts her on his lap. He held her like a small baby. It was so adorable. She looked tinier then ever. She falls asleep while he hold her in his arms. I can tell she feels sort of safe with him. I start the car and put my seat belt on. I look at the others as they put on theirs. After they did that I start to drive. I press the gas and just went straight.

After driving for 1 hour I saw a house. Me and cam went to clear it out. When we tried looking for zombies and there where none. It was clean. We were confused but still use the house. We called everyone in so we can rest for the night. Everyone fell asleep but me and laila stayed up for look out.

You- so what's new?
Laila- racc said he wants to have a family with me one day.
You- wow. I see you. Teehee
Laila- haha very funny.
You- hehehe
Laila- what about you?
You- nothing really. Except mason kissed me and I told cam about it. That's it.
Laila- what?!? OMG! When?
You- when swaggers was shot. Oh and swaggers is the nicest person I ever met.
Laila- omg this is so much to take in.

Me and laila kept talking and after a while we went to sleep. Everyone was asleep. It was quite. It was so quiet that I could hear whispers. I thought it was a dream but then I realized it wasnt. I got up and pointed a gun at this women standing right in front of me. I couldn't see who it was but I saw that she took out a gun and pointed it at Mason's head.

You- put the gun down.
Women-you put the gun down and I wont shoot.

We looked on eachother and I see wendy stand up and hear her scream.
Me and the women both put our guns down. I ran to wendy to cover her mouth and the women ran to the window and looked outside.

Woman- ok we need to hide everyone in the attic right now.
You- no. We are not going anywhere.
Woman- there's a bunch of zombies that are coming because of that scream so imma need everyone in the attic right now.
You- fine. Everyone get up and go to the attic.

The women grabs a little girl and a little baby boy and pushes them in the attic.

You- I know you from somewhere.
Woman- no time to talk everyone must get in now. Open the doors and get ready to hide.
You- hannah?
Hannah- who are you?
You- y/n.
Hannah- y/n? Omg where have you been? I thought you were dead.
Laila- both of you get in here.

We both went in the attic and everyone stayed in there all night.

You- what happened to you? I heard you got pregnant and your boyfriend killed your baby.
Hannah- he almost killed her but she's right here.
You- she's beautiful. And who's that?
Hannah- I just had him a couple of weeks ago.
You- why didnt you come back or called me?
Hannah- I've been busy.

We all heard the loud noise of a group of zombies and everyone got quite.

Toby- how do y'all know eachother?
You- we went to the same high school.
Hannah- she was my friend and the only one who didnt judge me because I was pregnant.
You- plus I was at the hospital with her when she gave birth to her daughter.
Hannah- what happened to bryan?
You- lets not talk about him.
Cam- why? Who's bryan?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2020 ⏰

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