chapter 3

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My sister was the one who called me. I wasn't worried about her because shes a model and she has multiple security guards and lives in a safe house. I answered the phone and started to talk to her.

You- hey are you okay?
Nat- yeah I'm fine. Are you okay tho?
You- yeah I'm fine.
Nat- come to my house you'll be safe here.
You- ummm. I have alot of people with me right now so if I go they need to come with me. Also I need to find my friend laila.
Nat- ok then hurry please. And be safe. I love you.
You- same to you. Love you too.

She hung up and I went back to the boys to keep talking about the conversation we were having. But before we could start talking again the power went out. It was pitch black. Wendy ran to me and I picked her up and carried her.

Mason- what the hell is going on.
You- theres candles in the cabinets. And a lighter to.
Mason- okay.
Swaggers- the power went out. Check the signal and see if we still have that.
You- okay.

I check and see and there still was signal still and there was.

You- yeah. But the powers out so I wont be able to charge my phone.
Swaggers- okay just save the battery.

Mason lit the candles and placed them all around the house.

You- it's getting late and we should all go to bed.
Cam- shes right let's go to sleep.
You- yall can take the bed and me and wendy can sleep in the living room.
Mason- no Thanks mate. You should sleep in the bedroom we'll sleep in the livingroom.
You- are you sure?
Jay- yeah. Go to the room. Goodnight.
You- okay goodnight.
Wendy- goodnight.

We went to the room and I gave wendy a tshirt and she wore that with no pants and fell asleep. I just put on a black hoodie with some shorts. I couldn't sleep so I just started to read my mothers diary. She left me this diary before she died. My father got sick after my mother died and died to. I just read until I fell asleep.

Next day

I woke up to a smell of eggs and bacon. I wake up wendy and got her changed quick. She wore my Van's hoodie like a dress and her shoes.
I wore a cropped hoodie with some ripped Jean's and some Adidas. We walk out the room and went to the kitchen. I have a gas stove so if the power ever ran out I would still be able to cook.

Mason- goodmorning sweetie are you ready for some delicious breakfast?
Wendy- yeahhh! It smells really good.
Mason- here you go. And here you go to y/n
You- no thanks. I'm not hungry.

I said that but I really was hungry. I walk to the window to see outside and I see zombies everywhere. I started to breath heavily. I think I was having a panic attack. I rushed to the bedroom and locked it. I started to breath in and out. And then I hear a knock. I didnt answer and they knocked again.

Jaren- hey y/n are you alright?
You- yeah I'm fine just give me a minute.
Jaren- okay.

He left and i started to breath in and out once again trying to calm myself down. After 10 minutes of me calming myself down I walked back to the livingroom. Everyone was just staring at me and didnt say anything.

You- so my sister called me yesterday and she wants us to come to her at her safe house.
Cam- can we talk in private?
You- sure.

We got up and went to the room and closed the door and talked....

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