chapter 4

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He closed the door and sat on the bed with me.

Cam- why do you want to leave so bad.
You- it's not that I want to leave. It's that i want to find my friend and make sure everyone is safe. That wendy is safe.
Cam- but the only way for us to do that is if we all stay put.
You- no cam. That's what you want to stay here. But what if we run out of food what if the building is run over by zombies. What are we going to do then.
Cam- I just want everyone to be safe.
You- I do to but the only way we can do that is if we protect eachother.
Cam- okay.
You- okay what?
Cam- we can go find your friend and go to your sisters safe house.
You- yay!

I hugged cam and went to tell everyone.

You- hey guys pack your thing. We're leaving tomorrow morning to find my friend and go to my sisters safe house.

I told them and everyone smiled and started to gather thing to take. I went and grabbed my bag and put clothes and weapons and food in mine. I grabbed another bag and packed some of my clothes to give to wendy so she could wear them. I went to the kitchen to make some dinner for everyone. I made some mashed potatoes with some pork chops. Everyone ate and said it was delicious. After dinner we all got ready to go to sleep. Wendy wore a tshirt again with no pants and I wore the same as wendy then we all went to sleep.

Next day

I woke up to a knock at my door and someone said it was time to wake up. I woke up wendy and got her ready. Then I got myself ready I made a cup of noodles for me and some cereal for wendy. Everyone else made there own breakfast. Cam and mason got the car ready for us to leave to find laila. Once the car was ready mason came back and lead us to the car. Matt helped me carry wendy so we could run fast and I carried his thing. Once we got to the car there was 4 zombies. I set down the bags and took out my gun. They were really close so I knock down 3 and the fourth was ran over by the car. I grabbed the things and threw them in the trunk and hop in the car. I was in front with cam and wendy on my lap because there was no space back there.

You- drive to main street. I have a truck there that's my dads. So we all can fit.
Cam- okay but what about your friend?

I didnt replied to his question but I took out my phone and tried calling her. First time she didnt answer. Second time she didnt answer. Third time she didnt answer. I looked at my phone and noticed it was at 85% so I texted laila and told her to text me where shes at then I turned off my phone.

You- just drive there then we'll go to her house.
Cam- okay.

We arrived at mainstreet and I got my gun ready and hopped out of the car then realized that the streets were empty. I walked a little to see where the zombies were at and I see a whole street full of them. I look at cam and he saw the street to and we both rushed to the car.

Cam- what do we do now?
You- we can go behind those buildings and that drug store. Its connected to the coffee shop. Behind the coffee shop is where the truck is parked.
Cam- why is it behind a coffee shop?
You- it was my mom's coffee shop.
Cam- okay but why dont we just go behind the coffee shop?
You- the garage can only open from the inside.
Cam- okay. Everyone grab your things and get ready to move out.
You- wendy you need to run fast but quietly. Theres monster out there but you need to be brave okay?
Wendy- okay.
You- everyone ready?
Everyone- yeah
You- okay. Let's go.

We all got out of the car and ran behind the drug store. We opened the back doors and ran inside. I headed to the roof and everyone followed me.the roof is connected to the coffee shop and that was the only entrance. Once we were on the roof we look at the view and it look dead. It use to look colorful and shiny but now it looks all grey and dirty. I opened the door to the coffee shop and walked in. Everyone still followed me. Once we were on the second floor I see a man. He whispered help me please. I walked to him to see what's wrong.

You- are you okay?
Man- no. Those crazy thing tried to bite me.
You- did you get scratched or are you sick?
Man- I got scratched and I have a fever yes but I'm not going to turn.
You- I'm sorry sir but I cannot help you.
Man- please help me.
You- I'm so sorry.
Man- if you dont help me then I'll scream.

I looked at him and I knew he wasn't bluffing........

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