chapter 8

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We all just talked and talk then I finally decided to tell them why it's a bad day for me.

You- so....ummm...... my mom was murdered on my birthday. And today's my birthday.
Everyone- I'm so sorry but happy birthday.
You- thanks

Cam started to brush my hair back. I closed my eyes and I let go of a tear. Cam wiped the tear off on my face and kept playing with my hair. I look up and he just smiled at me which made me smile back.

Mason- how about a song?
Cam- great idea. Y/n can sing and I'll play.
You- ok.

I sat up and cam got the guitar and placed it on his lap and started playing. He asked if I knew the song and I said yeah. He played it and I sang it everyone listen to us some watched and some enjoyed the moment with there eyes closed. After the song cam moved the guitar and let me lay on his lap again. He played with my hair again. Time went by and it was sunset we watch the sun go down then headed back inside to cook. Everyone went to shower while me and mason stayed to cook. We decided to make chicken alfredo. He put the pasta to boil while I made the sauce and he cut the chiken. When the pasta was ready I was going to drain the water when I burned myself i dropped the fork and shouted ouch. Mason came to me and grabbed my hand.

Mason- are you ok?
You- yeah, just burned myself.
Mason- you need to be more careful.
You- I'm fine.
Mason- I'll finish the rest. You go shower.
You- you sure?
Mason- yeah
You- ok.

I went to the room to get some clothes then went to the restroom.

After the shower I got dressed then left to the kitchen. I set the table and called everyone to come eat. Everyone came and we all ate and talked. When we all finished eating laila said that her and racc where going to clean tonight so I said ok. Everyone went to bed but me and wendy went to the couch to read. We both fell asleep on the couch.

Lailas POV

I told y/n that me and racc was going to clean. Everyone left but wendy and y/n fell asleep on the couch. I was cleaning with racc and we just talk.

Racc- your really short.
Laila- haha very funny.
Racc- but very cute.
Laila- whatever.
Racc- are you sure you want to leave this place? Its were your parents use to live.
Laila- I want to be with y/n tho. Shes been there for me so I wanna be with her.
Racc- I feel ya. Cam's one of my best friends. He's the one who brought me here and kept me safe.
Laila- yeah same. But I am kinda scared. I dont want anyone to get hurt.
Racc- dont worry I'll protect you.

We finished cleaning and we said goodnight to eachother. I left wendy and y/n on the couch because they were asleep and I didnt want to wake them up so I just went to bed.


The next day

I wake up and I felt really bad. I felt sick. I woke wendy up and told her to quickly get someone. She ran upstairs and brought cam down. Cam didnt even bother putting on shoes and a shirt.

Cam- you ok?
You- no. I think I have a fever.
Cam- ok imma take you to the room. Wendy go wake laila up.
Wendy- ok.

She went to wake her up and laila came downstairs quick. Cam starts to carry me and took me upstairs. He placed me in the bed and covered me. He shut the curtains so light didnt come in. Laila made some tea and gave it to me.

Laila- we dont have any medicine.
Cam- we need to go find some.
Laila- there's and pharmacy 3 miles from here.
Cam- ok imma go wake up the others and were going to get some medicine for y/n.

After that I fell asleep.

Cams pov

I look at y/n and she had fell asleep. I told laila to grab a cold wet towel and place it on her forehead. After that I went to my room and grabbed clothes. I go to wake everyone up and I tell mason swaggers and toby to come with me to get the medicine. Everyone got the thing quickly then we left. I drove as fast as I could and the others stayed home. Once we arrived I tell them to get everything that we might need so they did. I went to the back and got the medicine's. Mason got the food and some candy. Toby grabbed stupid things like books, beauty products and condoms. I told him not to bring those things but he did it anyways. While I was still packing the medicine I hear the back door open. I took out my knife and walked towards it. And the I saw.......

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