chapter 9

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I saw a man and a woman. They both had blood all over them.

Cam- did you get bitten?
Woman- no.
Man- we are just hungry. Do you have any food you can spare us please?
Mason- all I have here is junk food but if they come with us we can make them real food.
Woman- please cam we go with you? We been out her for days and barely ate anything.
Toby- I say we bring them.
Mason- me too.
Cam- alright. You may join us.
Woman- thank you.
Man- thanks dude.

After that everyone grabbed the things and head to the car so we could go home and help y/n. Once we got home I rushed inside and gave all the medicine to laila so she could get some for y/n. She takes out 2 pill from 1 bottle. She grabbed a bottle of water and took the pills to y/n.

Cam- you didnt tell us your name.
Woman- this is Dan and I'm rose.
Cam- nice to meet you. I'm cam.
Dan- nice to meet you too cam.

We shaked hands and the sat down at the couch and talked to the others. I walked upstairs to see y/n. I knocked again the door and laila came out.

Laila- She will be find in the morning.
Cam- can I see her?
Laila- she doesnt want to see nobody. Sorry.
Cam- oh ok.

I walk down stairs and everyone was just talking to Dan and rose. Wendy ran to me and hides behind my legs.

Cam- go say hi wendy.
Wendy- they're scary. I going to y/n.
Cam- ok.

She ran upstairs and I just thought about what she said. They dont look scary and dont seem scary. But I dont know them to assume what they are.
I said they can sleep in one of the rooms but to just not disturb y/n. They just said ok.

Time past

It was time for bed so everyone got dressed and went to sleep.


I spent all day with wendy but from a far distance so I didnt get her sick. It was time for bed so laila and wendy sleeped on the couch. I barely could move because I was so weak. So I tried to sleep while I was in pain. Finally I fell asleep.

I feel and heavy weight onto of me. I opened my eyes and it was the new man Dan. I look to my right and I see the new woman rose just sittingand watching. I was scared and I could barely move. My voice was almost gone so I knew if I screamed no one would hear me.

You- what are you doing?
Dan- what does it look like we're doing?
Rose- we're just trying to have some fun.
You- please dont do something your going to regret.
Dan- I'm not gonna regret anything.
Rose- after we have our fun with you we're going to move on to that girl named laila then the little one. What's her name again? Oh wendy.
You- dont you touch them.
Rose- or what? You cant do anything about it.
Dan- now shut up so we can have our fun.

He starts to kiss my neck and lick my ear. I tried moving my hands but he was pushing it down so hard I could barely feel my hands. I said stop and he continued. I then kicked him in the nuts and he let go on my hands for a second. Then he slapped me and continued but also digging his nails into my wrist. I couldn't take it so I tried to scream the first time and it didnt work and then I tried one more time. HELP!!! I yelled. I hear my door get swung open. And it was all the boys and laila.

Mason grabbed dan and threw him off me. Laila came to me and hugged me. Then I looked at the boys and they were hitting dan. Kicking him and punching him. Rose was trying to get the boys off dan but couldn't. Laila let go of me and ran to rose and grabbed her hair then shoved her to the ground and punching her in the face. I was scared. All I wanted was for someone to hold me. The boys grabbed dan by his arms and legs and took him outside. Then laila just dragged rose by the hair outside. I was by myself. In a dark room scared. I hugged my knees and started to cry. I looked at my wrist and I see really big bruises and started to cry even more. Then I hear foot steps coming close to me and I looked up to see who it was. It was wendy. She ran to the be and got on it then hugged me. She said dont cry and wiped my tears. I never been so scared.

I need to go to the restroom. You just go to cams room and wait for him. I'm going to shower. I got to the rest room and turned on the water but didnt get in the shower. I sat in the corner instead and cried. After 20 min I got up and turned the water off then walked out and see cam, swaggers, mason, toby and matt on the floor sleeping. Waiting for me to come out. I walked past them and went downstairs to see everyone else sleeping in the living room. I went to the kitchen and there was a note.

Note- dont go to the basement. Dan and rose are down there tied up.

I ripped the note and grabbed a knife. I went out side and just walked. I walked till I was tired. I walked until I saw a zombie. Instead of going back home I decided to fight the zombie. I killed one and it made me feel better. I killed another one and it made me cry. I started killing all the zombies I saw and cried while killing them. Not because I felt bad. Because it was helping the pain go away. I saw the sun coming up and decided that it was time to head back home. I looked at my clothes and it was just covered in blood. Then I realized I dont care. I dropped the knife and walked home slowly.

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