chapter 2

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It was a zombie. Its face was half eaten off and it was banging its head into the door. Wendy gets up and tries to come to me and I point at and then pointed to my room. She ran to the room and hid somewhere in there. I just keep staring at it hoping for it to go away and the zombie falls to the ground. Then I see a man at the door. He called my phone and I knew it was cam. I open the door and let him in

Cam- thanks. Wheres wendy?
You- shes in my room hiding.
Cam- wendy!

Wendy came running out of my room and jumping into cam's arms. He kisses her on the head and hugged her tightly. He puts her down and tells her to go to the room real quick while he talks with me.

Cam- thanks for watching her.
You- no problem.
Cam- by the way I'm going to need your help real quick. Do you know how to use that gun you have?
You- yes but why?
Cam- I have friends and they brought supplies and we need help carrying it in.
You- okay. Let me just get more bullets and hide wendy somewhere its safer for now.
Cam- okay hurry so we can go.
You- okay.

I go to the room and pick up wendy and put her in my closet. I give her my phone to use as a flashlight. I shut the doors and moved my bed in front of the closet blocking the entrance. Then I said we'll be right back and left. Me and cam left to where he left his car and his friends. Once we got there it was filled with zombies. I grabbed my gun and started shooting at the zombies creating a distraction so cam and his friends can go. I see them running and left. Out of nowhere I see 3 zombie being stabbed in the head. It was cams friend. I killed the zombies that was left and ran with cam's friend that helped me. Once we got to my apartment I locked the door and went to the room to let wendy out. I carry wendy to the livingroom and put her down but she just hid behind my legs.

Cam- boys this is y/n and my little sister wendy. Y/n, wendy this is Mason, jay, swaggers, matt, racc, jaren and toby.
You- nice to meet y'all.
Wendy- hi
You- thanks mason for helping me.
Mason- no problem mate.
You- wendy go watch some t.v and let the grownups talk for a little bit.
Wendy- okay.

Wendy runs to the couch and puts on spongebob. I looked at her for a few seconds and look back at the boys and see them putting the supplies away.

You- so what's going to happen now.
Swaggers- well the only thing we can do is stay put.
You- I'm sorry but I cant. I need to find my friend.
Cam- sorry but you cant go anywhere. We all need to be together so we remain safe.
You- sorry cant I need to find my friend. I promised her I would look for her.
Toby- we cant just leave her friend out there mate we need to help her.
Cam- sorry but no.
Racc- cam. Come on dude we cant leave her friend to die.
Cam- I said no we need to worry about ourselves not others.
You- I'm sorry but who made you boss or leader.

All of a sudden I hear my phone ringing and went to check to see who was calling. It was......

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