chapter 10

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I walked to the house. I was hurt and scared. But I wasnt afraid of dying. If a zombie came out of nowhere and bit me or I just randomly got shot or stabbed I wouldn't care. But ik that this pain is going to go away. It will just take a while to get over it. I see the house and just kept walking towards it. I see people outside. I knew it was everyone looking for me. I looked at wendy on the porch screaming my name. Then she saw me. She ran towards me as fast as she could run. And jumps into my arms. I hugged her and her hug made me feel kinda better. Being in wendy's arms is like my happy place. That's why I love her. Everyone came running after they saw me and wendy hugging.

Swaggers- what the fuck. Where were you? We were worried.
Mason- why the fuck did you leave?
Laila- omg thank god your alright.
You- I still feel kinda sick so I'm going to bed to sleep.
Toby- ok. But are you ok?
You- yeah im totally fine. Just needed a walk.
Toby- ok go rest now.

I put wendy on the floor and walked with her holding hands. I told her to grab some paper and pencils and come with me to the room. While she grabbed those things I grabbed the guitar and went upstairs. Once we were in the room I closed the door.

Wendy- are you ok?
You- yeah.
Wendy- so what are we going to do?
You- draw and sing and play a little. I just dont want to be with the others only you.
Wendy- ok.

We drawer and it was fun then we moved on to singing and playing music then to playing games. I read some books to her. And then reached her math and to read better and told her stories of when I was little or when she was little. I felt better just being with her. It reminds me of the time my sister got pregnant and I took care of her baby while she worked. She's a scientist. I lost her number one day and we lost contact but my other sister still saw her occasionally. But I dont know if shes alive tho. It was time for dinner and wendy and I went downstairs to eat. Everyone just looked at us. We had a smile on our faces. After we ate laila took wendy to get her ready for bed. And I stayed to clean and almost everyone helped.

Racc- here.
You- why are you giving me that knife I just cleaned it.
Racc- do you want to kill the dudes or do we?
You- what?
Racc- do you want t---
You- I heard what you said. But why do we have to kill them?
Swaggers- because those cunts almost raped you.
You- but they didnt.
Mason- mate, shes not going to do it. So let me.
You- no.
Cam- why?
You- because we're not murderers.
Cam- they almost raped.
You- but they didnt. Just let them go somewhere far away. We dont have to kill them.
Mason- they can find there way back.
You- well that's the future's problem not ours.
Matt- I dont want to deal with them in the future. What if when they come back they hurt wendy.
You- there not going to touch wendy.
Cam- but we cant just let them go.
You- fine you want to murder them so bad ok. Bet. Put them in the car with masks on.
Cam- what are you going to do?
You- that's my problem. Not yours.

I took the knife and the keys to the car and waited there. The boys put them in the trunk. I turned on the car and racc ran to the window.

Racc- can I come?
You- why?
Racc- so we could talk and I could help.
You- alright.

Racc hopped in the car and I started driving. We just sat there for a few min then we talked.

Racc- ok?
You- yeah I'm fine.
Racc- cool. So what we finna do to them?
You- gonna feed them to the zombies.
Racc- cool.
You- yup.
Racc- so.....laila.
You- what about her?
Racc- shes cute ass fuck.
You- you like her?
Racc- maybe a little.
You- you fucking hurt her and I will break your neck in two.
Racc- aggressive much?
You- shes my bestfriend. Plus I think she kinda likes you back.
Racc- really?
You- that's why I'm protective over her bc she likes people way to easily. Shes innocent.
Racc- I can tell. But shes so positive. And that's one of the reasons why I like her.
You- shes been hurt alot. So many bad relationships. Last guy she was with broke her heart so I broke his nose.
Racc- dang. I really don't trust people easily. I been hurt alot also.
You- sorry to hear.
Racc- nah...its cool.
You- where here.

We finally arrived. I turned off the car and got out. So did racc. He helped me with rose and dan walking them to inside of a club. I look through the window before opening the door and there was alot of zombies.

You- we can cut there throats and push them inside or we could just push them inside and let the zombies to the rest.
Racc- we should cut there throats. So they never come back.
You- ok on there. One
Racc- two.
Both- three.

We open the doors and cut there throats then push them inside and closed the doors. We rushed to the car because we had blood all over us. I started the car and drove.

Racc- so that just happened.
You- yup (giggles)
Racc- I saw these flowers i wanna stop by to pick up real quick for laila.
You- ok. Where are they?
Racc- over there.
You- ok.

We hopped out of the car and I just saw him pick flowers. Then I see the purple flower. It was the only purple flower there. I went to it and picked it up. Once he was done picking flowers we got in the car and drove home. Once we got home. I parked the car and we went inside. Racc gave laila the flowers and I gave the purple flower to wendy. I remember before the apocalypse wendy said she loves purple flowers. She was so happy when I gave her the flower. Laila and wendy went to sleep and everyone else stayed down to talk real quick.

Cam- so did you do it?
You- you mean kill them? Yeah I did.
Mason- y/n it had to be done.
You- whatever.

I walked away pissed. I was half way up the stairs.

Swaggers- I dont know why are you so pissed.
You- what? You dont get why I'm pissed?
Mason- come on guys. Wendy and laila might hear.
You- they dont know?
Mason- no. We didnt want to tell them. There to innocent.
You- to innocent? What about me? I'm a fucking virgin that almost got raped because we let in strangers in our lives.
Mason- I didnt mean it like that.
You-oh then how did you mean it? Tell me how.
Cam- y/n dont be mad at him. He wasnt thinking.
You- were you thinking when you said they could come with us? Yes you were. And look where we are now. Look at what we are now. We're murderers.
Cam- I hope your not meaning anything that your saying and that in the morning you will come to your senses and realize that that had to be done. Goodnight.

Everyone left to there rooms and I was left downstairs by myself.

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