chapter 13

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Man- human's shouldn't be alive. That's why theres the apocalypse. God wants all of us dead. He wants us to leave the cruel world and live in a peaceful and beautiful world with him. But all you selfish people dont want to die. So I will kill all human beings for god and when everyone is dead I will end my life and join you all. The zombie apocalypse is to end humanity and that's what I will do. God wanted me to do this that's why he put me on this earth.

He says while watching all of us fight.

You- your nuts. This wasnt gods doing. He would want us to live not die.
Man- okay I lied. I want all humanity to die.
You- what the hell is your problem?

We were fighting zombies. Then I see the man raise his gun and shoot swaggers. Swaggers falls to the ground screaming. I pointed my gun to the zombie and shoot the ones close to swaggers. After killing those I pointed my gun to the man and shot his friends and him. I shot his friends dead but the man just got a bullet in his leg. He fell to the ground screaming. I went up to him and grabbed his hair then put the gun in his mouth.

You- give me one good reason I shouldn't shoot you.
Man- do it.

So I did do it. I pulled the trigger and shot him in front of everyone. All of his brain and blood was on me. I let him go and he falls on the floor. I walked to swaggers to help him.

You- where did he shoot you?
Swaggers- I'm fine it was just a little scratch.
You- swaggers, your bleeding. Imma take out the bullet and shut you wound.
Swaggers- do you know what you doing?
You- yeah I was a nurse.
Swaggers- ok then do it quickly and hurt little as possible.
You- ok. Everyone grab him and and put him on the kitchen table.

Everyone carried him inside and lays him on the table. I go upstairs and grab the first aid kit in the restroom. I run downstairs and tell them what they need to do.

You- cam cover the wound so the blood wont come out.
Cam- ok.
You- laila get me some gloves and your eyebrow tweezers.
Laila- ok.
You- everyone else, get out.

They all left and I started by putting on my gloves. I told swaggers that it was going to hurt alot. I grab the tweezers and put it in him to take the bullet out. He screamed on pain. I finally found the bullet and pulled it out. I grabbed a needle and thread so I can sow him up. I finally finished and told him not to move his arm for a couple of days. He said ok and went to bed to rest. I was so pissed I needed to scream but everyone was around me so i just ran up to the room and locked the door. I walked back and forward then looked at a wall. I made a fist then punched the wall. I punched it again but a little harder.then again but even more harder. I kept doing it until I finally saw some blood. I stopped and looked at my hand then realized that hurting myself wasn't going to help anything. I open my door about to walk to the bathroom then see wendy. She looked at me then my hand.

Wendy- are you ok?
You- yeah I'm fine. I just accidentally hurt myself a little.
Wendy- u need to be careful.
You- yeah i know.

I walked past her and went to the restroom to wash my hand. After that I went to the livingroom and they all were there just sitting. They look at me and didnt say anything.

You- what's wrong?
Laila- we need to leave.
You- I know. We'll leave in the morning.
Cam- I think we should leave now.
You- night time is more dangerous. We need to leave in the morning.
Laila- what if people come again?
You- imma stay up and if I see people I'll wake y'all up.
Mason- you cant stay up all night. You need to rest too.
Cam- we can take turns she stays up then I stay up and we all take shifts.
You- ok let's do that.

I was going to take the first shift but cam wanted to also. So we decided to do this shift together. We grabbed a gun and sat on the porch looking around checking for any zombie or person. We were quite for a few minutes but then he decided to say something.

Cam- why were you up?
You- I couldn't sleep.
Cam- why was mason up?
You- he couldnt sleep either.
Cam- oh.
You- mason said he likes me and I dont know what to do.
Cam- what? When?
You- when you were asleep.
Cam- do you feel the same way?
You- I dont know how I feel at all.
Cam- what else happened?
You- nothing else happened.

I decided not to say anything a out the kiss. Thats private between me and mason.

Cam- try and find out how you feel first then tell him.
You- what if I dont feel the same way?
Cam- tell him either way.
You- ok.

It was time for the next shift. Me and cam went to bed. Laila and racc had the next shift. I went to sleep next to wendy and cam went to sleep in his room.

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