chapter 11

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I'm pissed so pissed that I started crying and I wanted to throw thing but couldn't because wendy and laila might hear. I go to the basement and closed the door. I turned the light on and just walked down the stairs. I screamed. Then let out all my tears.i started throwing these chairs I saw. Then ripping and breaking everything i could break. After my anger was all out I just cried. I sat on the floor and just cried. I was alone and scared but still I wanted to be there so I just cried. Then I hear the basement door open. But I didnt stopped crying. It was the boys. They saw me and walked towards me. I buried my face in my knees while hugging them and kept crying. I felt a hand on my arm and it was cam pulling me up. I pulled me up and put me in his arms. Everyone just hugged me. And I just kept crying. I said sorry while crying and mason said shut up it doesnt matter. Everyone hugging me was making me cry even more because I knew I wasnt alone when I wanted to be alone which made me happy. Everyone let go and we all walked to the living room. I lay down on the couch and everyone else just found a place to sleep next to me so I wouldn't be alone. I fell asleep and so did everyone else.

Next morning

I wake up to the sun in my face and see that everyone is still asleep. I get up and see laila walking down the stairs.

Laila- what happened ? Why are they sleeping on the floor and not there beds.
You- let's go for a walk and I'll tell you.
Laila- ok.

We put some shoes on and walked outside together. I told her everything that happened.

Laila- omg that's sweet but are you ok now?
You- actually for once yeah.
Laila- I wish I was there with you.
You- your always with me no matte what.
Laila- so then you and racc killed them.
You- yeah.
Laila- why didnt you want to kill them? They hurt you. I would have killed them for you if you had just asked.
You- dont say that please.
Laila- it's true tho.
You- I dont wanna talk about this anymore. Let's go inside.
Laila- ok.

We went inside and everyone was already awake and cooking breakfast. Laila went to make some coffee. She grabbed a cup for her and me. Laila gave me the cup and we drunk our coffee. When I put my coffee on the table and realized that the bruises got even darker then it already was. I put my hands under the table and just looked at them. Laila asked if I was ok and I said yeah. I got up and went upstairs. I grabbed a long sleeved shirt and put it on. I then went downstairs and sat where I was sitting. I put my hands under the table again just to look at them. I poked it and it hurt. I made a noise and I didnt know if anyone heard. A hand grabbed my hand. I looked and it was cam who grabbed me. He pulled my sleeve up and looked at my wrist.

Cam- y/n what the fuck.
You- ouch....dont touch it. It hurts.
Cam- why didnt you say anything?
You- it's no big deal.
Mason- let me see.
You- theres nothing to see. Let go of me cam.
Mason- holy shit. I'll get ice.
Swaggers- dude. That's dark as hell.
You- it's not that dark. It's fine just leave it alone.
Wendy- y/n you need to put ice on it.
You- it's ok wendy I'm fine. It doesn't even hurt. Ouch.... stop poking it cam.
Cam- that was laila.
Laila- I thought it didnt hurt.
You- it doesn't. Ouch... laila.
Laila- that was cam.
You- let go of me now.

I yanked my arm away from them. Then sat back down.

You- I said I was fine.

I grabbed my coffee and drank it. Everyone just continued to do there things and I just stared at my wrist. Once everyone was done eating I went to wash the dishes. After washing them I went to the basement to clean the mess I made. I walked down the stairs and brought the cleaning supplies with me. I picked up the glass with my hands and cut myself on accident. I walked upstairs to the kitchen and cleaned the blood. I grabbed the med kit from the cabinet and put a bandage on my cut then on my bruises. I walked back to the basement and started cleaning again. After cleaning I went upstairs to the couch and decided to take a little nap.

Few hours later

I wake up from my nap and see wendy next to me. She was asleep also. I got up without waking her up. I went to cams room and knocked on the door.

Cam- what's up?
You- wendy's asleep. Can you take her to her room?
Cam- sure.

We walked downstairs and her saw wendy on the couch. He picks her up and takes her to the room. He placed her on the bed and closed the door. We walked downstairs again and sat on the couch.

Cam- why was she sleeping on the couch?
You- I was asleep on the couch and when I woke up she was there.
Cam- why were you asleep on the couch?
You- just tired.
Cam- oh.
You- so about what happened yesterday.
Cam- nothing happened yesterday.
You- what do you mean?
Cam- its forgotten. Theres no need to talk about anything that has happened the past couple of days.
You- ok.
Cam- what should we do tonight.
You- for dinner?
Cam- yeah. We always do the same thing every night. So let's do something different.
You- well we can.........

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