chapter 5

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I looked at the boys then back at him then at the boys again. Cam grabs wendy and told her to cover her eyes while he covers his ears. After they did that the man was confused. But I knew what had to be done to keep us safe.

Man- what are you going to do?
You- I'm going to help you so you wont turn. Just look to the left.
Man- okay.

When he look to the left I put my hand behind his head and pushed a knife into his skull and killed him. I did it quick so he didnt feel pain. I pulled the knife out and laid his body on the ground. After that we went to the first floor. We jumped behind the counter and checked if there was any supplies. There was a little so we took it. We went to the garage saw all the cars there. My dad liked collecting cars. He had a Lamborghini, a ram and a BMW. There was a safe where all the keys where at and only me and my two sisters knew the password. I put the password in and grabbed the keys for the ram. We all put our stuff in the trunk and some of us sat in the trunk. Cam was driving and wendy was on my lap next to cam. Jay, matt and racc sat behind us. Toby, Mason and swaggers sat in the trunk. I turned on my phone to see if laila texted me and she did. I texted her that I'm on my way.

Cam- where to now?
You- shes at her mom house because her house burnt down. It's at pondview drive on riverside street.
Cam- okay.

We drove there in the car and I dicided to put some music on. The channels weren't working so I grabbed a CD. I made this CD. It was filled of songs I wrote that only my dad got to hear. I made it for him when he was sick.

Cam- what's that?
You- it's a CD full of song I wrote. My dad was the only one who listen to these songs. I didnt know he still had it.
Wendy- can you play it?
You- it's not really that good. The songs suck.
Cam- then why would he keep it if they suck.

He snatch the CD from my hand and put it on. It started to play.

Cam- wow. Did you really write these songs?
You- yeah. I made it for him so he can be strong. He was sick at the time.
Cam- is that you singing?
You- yeah.
Cam- wow. You have an amazing voice.
Wendy- you sound so pretty.
You- thanks.

We sat there and listened to all the song over and over and everyone started to sing along. We all were smiling and we were happy.

Time past

We got to lailas mom house. I got out of the car and see lailas dad I yelled his name. He turned around and started walking towards us. Then I realized that he was a zombie. I had to kill him so I pulled out my gun. I pointed it to his head and shot. He called to the ground I got closer to see if he was dead and grabbed my leg. I had shot him in the throat not the head. He was trying to bite my left leg so with my right leg I stomped on his head until in was flat like a pancake. Then he let's go of my leg. I walked to the car to get a few more bullets and told mason and racc to come with me. Everyone else waited in the car. We walked to the house and opened the door. I knock to see if zombies would come to the door. Then I screamed lailas name. I hear footsteps coming down the stairs and put my gun up incase it was a zombie. It was walking slow. Really slow. It was worrying me. It made me think that it was a zombie or that it was my dead bestfriend. It got closer and closer. It look me in the eyes and ran to me fast. It was........

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