chapter 14

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Cam pov
I stayed with y/n for the shift to see if she was ok. We talked and she tells me what happened with her and mason and I was devastated. When she tells me she didnt know how she felt it made me a little happy because theres a chance she doesn't feel the same. Our shift was over and we went to bed. I went to my room and tried to sleep but I was mad that mason liked her. I spent a few minutes up then finally went to sleep.

Lailas POV

Me and racc had the next shift. We went outside and kept watch for the next few hours.

Racc- i can't believe we're leaving tomorrow. This place was starting to feel like home.
Laila- yeah I cant either. This was my home.
Racc- if we're together forever let's come back here and start a family here.
Laila- we're a thing?
Racc- no, not yet. But soon.
Laila- what makes you think I want that?
Racc- I will convince you till you do.
Laila- good luck

I said while blushing.

Laila- what do you think will happen tomorrow?
Racc- we will get in the car and drive for hours till we run out of gas.
Laila- that's it?
Racc- yup.
Laila- are you scared of leaving?
Racc- no. You?
Laila- a little. I think I will or someone else might get hurt.
Racc- I'm not letting you get hurt.

Me and racc continue talking for a while then it was time for the next shift. I went to bed but racc stayed for the next shift. We said goodnight to eachother then head off.


It was morning. It was time to go. I woke everyone up and told the to get ready to leave. We ate breakfast then left. I grabbed wendy and put her on my lap in the car. Cam got in the driver seat and everyone else went to the back or the trunk. Wendy was really sleepy so she immediately fell asleep. I was sleepy to so I decided to take a nap.


We got into the car and wendy and y/n took a nap. After driving for 10 minutes y/n and wendy was still asleep. Y/n lays her head on my shoulder and used it as a pillow. I didnt move her bc she looked cute and comfy.and wendy was curled up in a ball onto of y/n. After 20 minutes go by y/n and wendy woke up. Everyone was hungry so we decided to stop and eat. Everyone got out and stretch. We all walked to the trunk and sat back there and mason made a fire so we could boil water. After the water was boil we grabbed instant ramen and wait for it to cook. When it was done everyone began to eat.

Laila- so where are we going?
Cam- I dont know yet?
You- we need to find a place to stay for a couple of weeks then keep on moving.
Mason- what if we find people again?
You- we take them in.
Swaggers- what if they're bad people?
You- what if they're good?
Toby- I think we should just be by ourselves and dont take anyone in. Doesn't matter if they are good or bad.
You- leaving them to die is not ok. We need to help people and be good to them, maybe they'll be good back.
Cam- we can take them but we need to keep a eye on them and they can earn our trust.
You- hes right.
Laila- what if someone tries to do stuff to u again? Or to one of us?
You- then we leave them with nothing and they can freeze at night.

We all finished eating and y/n took swaggers to clean his wound.

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