chapter 12

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You- we should eat dinner on the roof and sleep on the roof.
Cam- what if it rains?
You- then we go inside and sleep in the living.
Cam- ok.
You- In 3 hours I'll start cooking.
Cam- ok then I'll get the stuff.
You- ight bhettt.

He went up to clean the roof while I told everyone what we were doing tonight. Everyone got ready for tonight and grabbed thing they wanted to bring to the roof.i went to the roof to ask cam something and he was still cleaning the roof with his shirt off and his sixpack showing. He was sweaty and turning a little pink. He was getting sunburned.

You- hey cam what do you ne-. Dude your going to get sunburned.
Cam- it's alright I'm fine.
You- I'll be right back.

I left to go get some sunscreen from the bathroom. I walked up to the roof again.

You- here put some on.
Cam- can u put it on for me my hands are dirty.
You- uhhh.....ok.
Cam- thanks. So what were you telling me?

I put some sunscreen in my hands and rubbed it on his back and on his shoulders then on his sixpack then on his face.

You- I was asking you that what do you want me to get for you to bring tonight?
Cam- oh nothing really.
You- ok. Do you need help with anything?
Cam- nahh. I'm good for now.
You- ok well imma go make dinner now.
Cam- ok.

I walked way. When I finally got downstairs I started to blush bc I was thing about his sixpack. I snapped out of it and went to the kitchen and started cooking. I made some mini tacos. After the food was ready I called everyone and told them to head to the roof while I bring the food. Laila got my stuff for me and took it to the roof. We all sat down and started eating and making jokes and telling stories. We also asked questions about one another.

Laila- so how old are you guys. I'm 21
Mason- 21.
Swaggers- 22.
Cam- 22.
Matt- 23.
Racc- 22.
You- 21.
Jay- 23.
Toby- 23.
You- what did you want to be before the apocalypse happened or what were you?
Cam- I was a Youtuber.
Racc- All of us were except Wendy, you and Laila.
You- oh cool. I was a youtuber tho but I was also a musician and a nurse.
Laila- yeah and I was a actress and a director.
Swaggers- really? Dang ya'll badass.
You- it was fun tho.

We keep talking until we all finish our food. Once we finished everyone went to sleep except me. I couldn't sleep again. I sat on the edge on the roof and just stared into space.

Mason- hey. You cant sleep?
You- scared me.
Mason- ha sorry.
You- I cant sleep sometime. Why are you up?
Mason- same. Cant sleep. I wake up in the middle of the night always then stay up till 7am then go to sleep for a hour.
You- oh.
Mason- yeah. So what were you doing?
You- just staring into space.
Mason- cool.

Me and mason stayed up talking. 30 minutes later.

Mason- I think I like you.
You- what? It's a joke right?
Mason- not really. Your a good person that's funny and cute and nice.
You- mason I....ummm.... sorry I dont know what to say.
Mason- dont apologize. It's cool if you dont know how you feel. I just wanted to tell you how I feel.
You- that's sweet.

Mason leans in for a kiss. I didn't pull back because I don't want it to be awkward so I just kissed him back. After the kiss I just got up and walked 2 steps back.

You- I'm sorry mason I just dont know how I feel because of what happened with dan and rose.
Mason- it's ok. I'll wait for you no matter how long it takes.

I smiled at mason and stopped smiling when I saw what was behind him. I pointed at it making him turn around. He turns around and looks at what was behind him and we both crouched down. I crawled to the others waking then up. We sign to not make a noise. I whispered to them what it was.

You- theres people. They have zombies on chains. Alot of zombie.
Cam- are you sure?
You- yes.

Everyone went downstairs and grabbed there guns then went outside. Everyone stayed near the house. It was a man and other multiple men holding zombies in chains.

Man- who's the leader?
You- who are you?
Man- answer my question first?
Cam- we both are.

Cam says pointing at me and him. I looked at him then to the others then back to the man.

Cam- now who are you?
Man- is that a child I see?
You- what do you want from us?
Man- if you want the child to live vive her to me.
Cam- what?
You- are you crazy?
Man- Suit yourself.

The man and his men realised the zombies. The zombie came running towards us and we started shooting. The man and his men took out guns and was ready to shoot us if we killed there zombies. There was alot of zombies. While everyone was shooting the zombies I was shooting the men. I shot one in the head and shot the other one in his leg. Then I hear the man yelling something.

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