chapter 7

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I went outside to look at the stars and started to cry. I cried because it was my birthday. My mom died on my birthday. She was murdered by her ex boyfriend. He killed her bc he wanted to be with her but she didnt want to be with him. I was the one who found the bodies. After that I went to therapy bc I was a "traumatized kid". They said if I didn't go to Therapy that I will probably get depression and harm myself. After a few years of therapy I'd stop going. People would feel badd for me because I'm the one who found my mother dead and found the killer dead. I was treated differently ever since then.

I go back upstairs and go to the Room to sleep . When I get to the Room I see that Wendy's not in their. I go to check where wendy was at. I couldn't find her anywhere in the house so I woke up Laila and I asked if she could help me look. We went to go find her. We didnt even bother to put on clothes bc we were worried. Laila was just wearing a tshirt with shorts and I was wearing a oversized red hoodie. We walked all around the house and we couldn't find her so then we started to look for her outside. We saw her she looked at us then behind her and started running towards us. I went up to her a little to see what she was running from and I see zombies. I told laila to get wendy. I tan inside and grabbed my gun then ran back outside. I see laila carry wendy and I told them to go inside and lock the door. I got closer to the zombies and started shooting. There was alot of zombies and I only had 5 bullets in my gum the other bullets were in the car parked a little far. All of a sudden I see racc mason cam and swaggers running to help me. They used a knife and I was the only one using a gun. I see cam getting attacked by 2 zombies so I shot one and cam killed the other one. All of a sudden I fall to the ground and see a zombie on top of me. I grabbed my gun and put it on the zombie head and shot but no bullets came out. I realized that I was out of bullets. I tried pushing the zombie off of me but it was to strong. It kept getting closer and closer to my face. Swaggers put a knife in the zombies head and pushed it off me. He helped me up and asked if I was ok and I said yeah. Then I look at cam and mason and racc to see if they were ok and they were. Plus a the zombies were dead. We all went inside. I looked at wendy then hugged her.

You- I'm happy your ok.
Wendy- I'm sorry I just wanted to get flowers for you because I saw you crying.
You- why were you awake?
Wendy- I couldn't sleep without you next to me. I was scared that u weren't going to protect me and zombie would eat me.
You- I will always protect you. Go to bed and I'll be there soon. The grownups need to talk.
Wendy- ok.

She left to the room and everyone just looked at me. Everyone was confused except for laila because she already knew.

Laila- you good now right?
You- yeah.
Toby- I hope you dont mind me asking but what were you crying about?
Racc- toby you cant ask that. She has her reasons.
Matt- I thing we all should go to bed. It's been a long night.

Everyone agreed and head to bed except me, cam, laila and racc. Me and cam went to the living room to talk. Laila and racc went outside to talk.

Lailas pov

I asked Racc to come outside with me so we could talk. He followed me outside and sat on the porch.

Laila- I wanted to thank you for doing that thing when I didnt want to do it.
Racc- it was no problem. I didnt want to see you cry anymore.
Laila- well thanks. So how did you meet y/n?
Racc- cam introduced us. How about you?
Laila- therapy. In middle school. My sister committed suicide and y/n............. nvm.
Racc- I get it. Not your place to say.
Laila- yup.
Racc- has anyone ever told you that you have such pretty eyes.
Laila- ummm....thanks( starts to blush)
Racc- we should go to bed. It's really late.
Laila- I'm actually going to wait for y/n so me and her can talk. But you go ahead. Goodnight.
Racc- goodnight.

He smiled and left inside and I wait for y/n outside.


I sat down on the couch and look out the window and see laila and racc talking. Cam then sits and gives me a cup of water.

Cam- you okay?
You- yeah I'm fine. Why?
Cam- Wendy said you were crying.
You- see was just probably seeing things.
Cam- can you ease tell me what's wrong. I'm worried.
You- cam, I'm fine. Dont worrie.
Cam- ok well I'm gonna go to bed. Goodnight.
You- goodnight.

Cam walks upstairs to his room then I see racc come in and go upstairs to the room also. I look through the window and see laila on the porch sitting still. I knock on the window and she gets up and comes in. She walks to the couch and sits down with me. I looked at her and see looked at me. I started crying then laila hugged me. I cried and cried. Laila just hugged me the whole time and said it's going to be ok. After a while I stopped crying and laila let go of me. We got up and went upstairs to the room. Wendy was asleep and we got on the bed and started to sleep also.

Morning time

I wake up and I see that wendy and laila wasnt in the bed. I got up and got dressed. I wore a long sleeved tshirt with some ripped jeans. Then I brushed my hair and put it in a ponytail. I walk down stairs and I see everyone making breakfast. Everyone said goodmorning and I said it back. Laila whispered in my ear and said that they know it's a bad day for you but they just dont know why so they're doing this to make you feel better.

You- you guys dont have to do this. I said I was fine.
Mason- but we want to do this for you mate.
You- can I aleast help?
Mason- nope.

I sat down at the table then wendy came up to me.

Wendy- here's some juice. Cam is bringing the coffee. It was to hot for me to carry.
You- thatnks wendy.
Wendy- your welcome.
Cam- here you go.
You- thanks.
Cam- no problem.

Wendy sat next to me at the table and cam brought 2 plates. One was for me and the other was for wendy. Everyone came to the table and started to eat. We all were talking and eating. Once everyone finished I started to pic up people's plates.

Jay- what are you doing?
You- cleaning.
Jay- nope. It's you day off.
You- no it's not.
Everyone- yes it is.
Swaggers- you need a break so I suggest that you sit and relax.
You- I can't do that.
Cam- you can and you will.
Laila- dont say anything else or we will tie you down.
You- ok.

Wendy grabbed my hand and took me away. We went outside. She was pulling my hand and I was just following her. We walked for a while and finally we got there. It was a little far from the house but it was beautiful. There was a clear meadow.i saw a blanket on the floor and there was flowers everywhere. We lay down on the blanket and I look back and see everyone walking towards us with a guitar, books and snacks. We all lay down on the blanket and some of us sat down. Cam was sitting and I placed my head on his leg. Laila was sitting and racc placed his head on her. Everyone else was just laying down.

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