chapter 6

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It jumped at me. It came at me and I didnt react. Because it was my friend laila. She jumped in my arms and hugged me tightly while crying my name. I dropped my gun and hugged her back. I was so happy to see her.

Laila- Y/N! I'm so happy to see you.
You- I'm happy to see you to.
Laila- my mom was bit.
You- what? Where is she?
Laila- shes in the bathroom. I cant kill her so I locked her in there.
You- I'm so sorry. But you cant leave her like that.
Laila- can you do it for me?
You- do what?
Laila- kill her for me. I cant do it because shes my mother and I cant see her in pain.
You- I will do it with you but I cant do it for you.
Laila- please I'm begging you.
You- I'm sorry but no.

She backs away slowly looking at the ground and sits on the stairs. She starts to cry so I walk to her and sat next to her while she was crying. I apologize and hugged her. Racc picked my gun from the floor and started to walk upstairs. I watch him walk upstairs and then he was gone. Then we all hear a bang and looked up. Racc come downstairs and my gun in my hands.

You- what the hell racc? Why'd you do that?
Racc- I wasn't gonna put her through that pain or make her do something she doesnt want to do.
You- That's not your choice though.
Racc- it wasn't yours either.

He walked out side and mason followed him. They went to the car to get the others. I got up from the stairs. And walked to the restroom where lailas mother was at. I wanted to dig a grave for lailas mother and father. But I also needed to be left alone. I feel horrible. Racc was right. It wasn't my decision. I almost put my best friend in pain. I felt like crying but didnt. I knew people would notice so I held my tears in. I grabbed lailas mother's body and rapped her in a blanket. She was heavy so I'll just ask the boys to help me. I went outside and grabbed a shovel. I digged and digged until one whole was finished. Then I was about to start on the next whole when racc came outside. He saw a shovel and picked it up then walked towards me. He stand there for a sec then started to dig.

You- what are you doing?
Racc- helping you.
You- why?
Racc- because.
You- because is not an answer.
Racc- well it's my answer.
You- I'm sorry.
Racc- why are you sorry I'm the one being disrespectful.
You- not about that. About earlier. I dont know what happened but I made her cry. I just wanted to apologize because I was in the wrong.
Racc- you dont need to apologize. You weren't wrong. I get that you didnt want to kill you bestfriends mother. I wouldn't either but neither did she so that's why I did it. So the both of you didnt have to go through something you didnt want to go throw.
You- thank you
Racc- dont worry about it.

He smiled at me and I smiled back. We started to dig the whole. Once we were finished we grabbed the bodies and put them in the whole. We covered it up and put a cross on each grave. Then he went inside and laila walked out. She came to me and looked at the graves.

Laila- thank for doing this but you didnt have to.
You- I wanted to. And I also wanted to say I'm sorry. I didnt mean to put you in pain.
Laila- you didnt do anything wrong. So I dont get why your apologizing. Your my bestfriend you can never put me in pain.

She smiled at me and for no reason I started crying. I hugged her tightly. Shes so nice. That's why I love her. We walked inside and wendy came running to me wanting me to carry her. Everyone sat down at the table and me and mason went to the kitchen to cook dinner. We brought the food to the table and everyone ate. Everyone thanked us for the food and I told them to go to sleep so they did and said goodnight. Swagger decided to stay and help me clean.

You- thanks for staying to help me clean.
Swaggers- it's no problem. Anything for you. You so nice and so caring and helpful. So why not.
You- thanks

We smile at eachother and finished cleaning. Once we were done we went to go to sleep and said goodnight to eachother. I went to the room where laila and wendy were sleeping in. Then I fell asleep next to laila and wendy.

Couple hours later

I wake up and it was still night time. I walked to the kitchen to get some water. I took a sip of the water and head outside to look at the stars. When I look at them I started to cry. I cried because.......

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