Chapter 1

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Ok, this is my first story, so please go easy on me. Any tips, ideas, or creative criticism is helpful. Well, here goes nothing...


**Andy's pov**

I was wandering the streets, no longer hungry after my meal, when I smelled something amazing. It was so sweet and tempting. Despite not being hungry, I followed it. As I got closer I could hear yelling. I ignored the mouth watering smell and followed the yelling to an alley where I found a group of dumb-asses beating on a girl on the girl.

"Hey," I called angrily.

They turned around and ran when they saw me. Huh, cowards. I walked over to the poor girl laying on the cold ground. As I kneeled down beside her I was hit with that delectable smell again. That's when I realized that the wonderful scent was coming from the girl in front of me. The girl was beaten unconscious, so I carefully picked her up and started walking back home.

My mind was filled with questions as I walked. Besides the obvious questions about her getting hurt, there was one that stuck out from the others. What is she? I can tell from her scent that she's not human, but I've never smelled anything like her before.

Once I got home I gently layed her on the couch. I stood there for a few minutes trying to figure what she was doing alone like that. After a few minutes I went to the kitchen to get a wet rag to clean her up a little. While I was doing that I heard the guys come in.

"We're here," Jinxx called.

"K, just gimme a sec," I called back.

I then walked to the living room with the rag to find the guys but no girl. I looked around confused.

" guys...was there a girl in here when you came in?" I questioned.

"No, why?" Jake asked.

"I was out for a walk when I found this girl getting beaten up, she was unconscious so I brought her back here. Then I left her for like, three minutes and now she's gone."

"Huh, that's weird," CC commented.

The guys and I just sat down and started talking though. If she can leave that fast then she's probably long gone by now. As we were talking we heard a sudden hiss. We looked toward the TV confused. Suddenly a grey cat came running out from behind the TV stand with Crow chasing it. The cat lept up onto the armrest of the couch and then the back, though it seemed to struggle a little. It then tried to jump off the back of the couch but didn't get very far. It let out a pained whine before it hurried off down the hall. I got up and went after it down the hall. I checked the music room, but the cat wasn't there. The only other room in this hall is a bathroom. As I walked toward the bathroom I heard a faint sound coming from it. The door was cracked open just the slightest and lights were off.

I slowly pushed the door open and turned the lights on. Sitting against a wall, looking like they were in pain, was the girl from earlier.

"How'd you get back here so quickly?" I asked her.

She looked at me, her eyes filled with confusion and fear.

"Don't worry, I'm not gonna hurt you," I said reassuringly as I approached her. "I found in an alley being beaten up. You were unconscious so I brought you here okay?" I was just looking at her when I realized she was holding her ankle tightly. "Does your ankle hurt sweetheart?" She slowly nodded her head, probably unsure whether she should trust me or not. "Come on, I'll take you out to the living room. Jinxx'll be able to help."

I carefully picked her up and brought her out to the living room.

"So you find that cat?" CC asked as I came back.

"Who's the chick Andy?" Ashley questioned when he saw the girl in my arms.

"She's the girl I was telling you about before, she was in the bathroom. Hey Jinxx, can you get Sammi over here?"


"Cause she's hurt and I'm not taking her to the hospital if I don't know what she is."

"Wait, she's not human?" CC, sniffing the air. "Weird, I can't tell what she is either. She's definitely not human, but I'v never smelled anything like that before."

"Yeah," Ashley added, "She smells sweet, but not overly sweet."

Not overly sweet? She's the sweetest thing I'v ever smelled! Stay focused Andy.

"So you can get Sammi here or not?" I looked at Jinxx.

"Yeah, she'll be here in a few minutes."

The guys moved so I could lay the girl on the couch while we waited for Sammi. As we waited Crow hopped up onto the couch next to the girl. They looked at each other and I was expecting Crow to hiss at her, but he didn't. He just sat next to her looking at her.

**Girl's pov**

*skip to Sammi healing the girl*

I laid there quietly while some girl named Sammi healed me. It was clear that she was an angel, but I wasn't sure about the others. They were were talking quietly in the kitchen. I knew Sammi couldn't hear them, but I could. I tried not to listen too much, but something I heard caught my attention.

"Are you kidding me? She's the sweetest thing I'v ever smelled. I'v never come across a scent so strong as hers before."

Sammi interrupted before I could keep listening though.

"There you go sweetheart, you're all done," she smiled and got up.

I sat up and quickly got lost in my thoughts. It was kind of rude that they were talking as if I wasn't there before, but do they really not know what I am? I guess I'm just glad that tall guy didn't take me to the hospital. I could'v been screwed. As I let out a sigh I heard the floor creak and turned in that direction. At first there was no one there, but then the guys came walking out of the kitchen followed by Sammi. They all sat down around me.

"You feeling better?" the tall man asked.

I shyly nodded my head.

"Good. Oh, by the way I'm Andy, that's Jake, Jinxx, Ashley CC, and you've met Sammi." He pointed to each person as he said there name.

"What's your name?" Sammi asked with a smile.

"A-Anastasia," I replied quietly.

"Wow, that's really pretty."

"T-Thanks. People usually just call me Ana though."

"Well, you probably already know I'm an angel," Sammi smiled. "But do you know what they are?" she asked, refering to the guys. I shook my head. "They are vampires. And don't worry, they won't hurt you."

"We can't figure out what are though," Jinxx stated.

"W-What I am? I-I'm not anything," I lied.

"No, you're something," Ashley said.

"Yeah, you don't have the scent of a human," CC added.

"I-I'm sorry but I'm not a-anything."

Dammit, I keep stuttering. Stupid shyness.

"Guys," Sammi piped up, "She might not know. She might have been raised to think she was human."

I eventually asked if I could go home. Luckily Sammi took me home. I trust her more than the others right now. I gave her my number before she dropped me off since she wanted to be friends. I have a feeling this is gonna be interesting.


The pic is Anastasia, minus the lip piercing which you may or may not be able to see. Please let me know what you think so far. I love getting feedback, it helps encourage me to write.

I'll try to post at least somewhat regularly. I'm a lazy ass so that might be hard. But I'll probably post something each day for the first few days just to kick things off.

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