Chapter 22

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It's finally here, chapter 22. Sorry if it sucks. I can't shake my writers block. Oh, btw, I use some stronger language at one point in this ch. It's only like, one word, but I thought I'd give a warning for younger readers.

Be sure to tell me what you think of my idea from the announcement in the last ch. as well.


*after the party*

Everyone had already left except for Andy, Ana, Jayy, Derrick, Sammi, and Jinxx.

"Hey Jayy?" Ana said calmly.


"Can I talk to you for a second?"

"Sure." Jayy followed Ana down the hall where they alone. "So what's up?" He figured Ana was gonna tell him about whatever the others were talking about earlier...and he was right.

"Before I say anything I just want you to know that the reason you're just finding out now is cause I wanted to tell you in person okay?"


"Well, some things happened while you were on tour and um, I'm kind of part vampire now," Ana said, whispering the last part.

"You're what?"

Ana took a breath, "I'm part vampire now."

"What?" Jayy asked shocked. "Who the hell turned you into a vampire?!"

"It doesn't matter who did it Jayy. What's done is done."

"It does matter! I'm gonna kill the bast*rd that did this! Now who turned you?!"

"It doesn't matter Jayy," Ana insisted. That's when it hit Jayy. She was protecting the person, so it was probably one of the guys. And Jayy had a pretty good idea which one it was.

"Andy did it didn't he?"

"I told you it doesn't matter!"

"That son of a..." Jayy stormed past Ana and to the living room where he pinned Andy against the wall.

"You turned her into a vampire?!?!" He shouted. "I'm gone for one tour and you turn her into a fucking vampire?!?!"

"Jayy!" Ana called, trying to make him stop.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!?! Did you think I wouldn't find out?!?!"

"Jay! You're gonna hurt him!" Ana called again.

"Good! He deserves it!"

"He had good reason!"

"Gimme one good reason that makes what he did okay!"

"Cause otherwise I would'v died!" Jayy looked at Ana and let go of Andy in shock.


"He turned me into a vampire to keep me alive."

"Who tried to kill you?"

"Technically I did." Jayy just looked at her confused. "Derrick didn't see a car coming and ran out into the street. So I pushed him out of the way and I got hit instead."

"Why didn't they just take you to the hospital?"

"There wasn't enough time."

Sammi took Jayy outside to help him calm down while Ana and Jinxx checked on Andy.

"You okay man?" Jinxx asked.

"I think so," Andy replied as he exhaled. "I thought I was about to be ripped to shreds, but otherwise I'm fine." Jinxx helped Andy up.

*later cause idk what else*

**Andy's pov**

Everyone had left so it was just me and Ana. We were laying on the couch cuddled together. Ana had finally passed out after her little cat nip high and was sound asleep. I carefully got out from under her and picked her up before carrying her up to my room. She usually sleeps in the guest room when she stays the night, but hopefully she won't mind. Once I had her in bed I turned the lights off and slipped into bed myself, wrapping my arms around and quickly falling asleep.

**Ana's pov**

I woke up in bed with someones arms around. I could tell by the scent that it was Andy. He was still asleep, so I tried to go back to sleep as well. Sadly I couldn't, I was too awake already. Hm, I wonder why Andy didn't just put in the guest room. We've only been dating a few months. It's not like we're anything serious yet...are we?

"Morning beautiful," I heard Andy say.

I rolled over to face him and smiled, "Morning."

"Hey Ana?"


"What would you think if I asked you to move in with me?"

"M-Move in with you?" I asked shocked. "We've been only been dating for a few months."

"I know it's kind of soon, but you wouldn't you rather live here in than in a trailer?"

"I don't know Andy."

"Please Ana. I don't like the fact that you're living in a trailer. They're not that safe."

"I've lived in a trailer for years Andy. And nothing's happened."

"Please," Andy pleaded.

I sighed, "I guess you do have enough reason to worry with me being a neko. So, okay. If it'll help you worry a little less then I'll move in with you."

Andy leaned forward and kissed my forehead with a smile.

"It really would. Thank you."

"So when am I moving in?"

"We can do it today if you want."

"Okay," I chuckled. "It shouldn't really take that long anyways. It came pre-furnished, so all I gotta do is grab my stuff."


Sorry it took so long, but like I said, I can't seem to shake this writers block. I do have ideas planned out for the story though. It's just a matter of getting to those points.

I'm also thinking of starting a book of one shots or something. I have a lot of ideas that never get finished so they just kind of sit on my computer. What do you think? I know, why am I asking if I should do it? Why not just do it? Part of it is the whole self confidence thing I guess, the other part is I honestly just can't decide whether I wanna do it or not.

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