Chapter 19

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First, thanks to madibellisle for actually answering my question from ch.17 =) you're awesome

Secondly, 1K reads?!? Omg!!!!! Never thought one of my stories would get that many reads!

Thirdly, classes are starting again soon. So I'm not sure how often I'll be able to update.

Enjoy! =)


**Anastasia's pov**

I sat in my trailor alone. I didn't like going out. My cat sense of smell mixed with a vampires ability to smell blood or whatever...not good. It's all I smell. I can smell more than just someones scent and I don't like it. Though Andy was sweet enough get some blood to last me a week or two. I didn't bother asking how or where he got it since I didn't wanna know. It was still nice of him though. Hurting people isn't something I like to do. So getting blood from someone isn't really easy for me. I still can't believe I attacked Derrick and Andy. The guys told me it was cause I had just woken up, but still.

As I sat there thinking there was a knock on the door. I didn't bother to answer it.

"Ana, I know you're in there," Sammi's voice called. "Please come out. You've been in there for days and we're getting worried. At least answer the door so I know you're okay." I still didn't do anything. I just sat there. "Don't make me get CC Ana."

At some point CC became the person I'd go to when something was bothering me. He's been busy the last few days and probably hasn't heard how I'v been acting yet. I guess someone was gonna force me out of here at some point anyways.

**CC's pov**

I pulled up at the trailor park and headed for Ana's trailor. Sammi had called me and told me she locked herself in there and won't come out. When I got to her trailer I quickly picked the lock, which wasn't hard, and went in. She was sitting on the small kitchen counter looking at the floor while holding the lid on a blender. Her ears were down and she looked upset. When she had finished blending her drink she poured it into a cup and twisted the lid on. She took a quick sip from the straw before leaving the kitchen.

"Hey CC," she said plainly, "I was wondering when you'd get here."

"What's going on with you Ana? Sammi and the guys are worried."

"Well, there's the fact that I can't walk outside without the risk of uncontrollably attacking someone. Did you know that if you mix a cat and a vampire the specimen created will have a sense of smell twice that of a dog, or whatever creature has the best sense of smell."

"Is that why you won't leave?"

"Kind of."

"Come on Ana, what's wrong?" I sat down with her and waited for an answer.

"I don't wanna be a vampire CC. Hurting people isn't something I can do on purpose and it's not something I wanna do."

"I know Ana." I put my arms around her in a hug. "You're too innocent to be a vampire. Unfortunately there's nothing we can do now. Why don't we go to my place and watch Invader Zim for a little while. The guys are coming over later too. I'm sure they'd be happy to see you."

"Okay. Let me just make a smoothie to go for later."

"You need more than one? And what's in that, I cause it smells pretty good."

"Blood." I raised an eyebrow at her. "What? My cat tastebuds don't really like the taste of plain blood."

"Ah. Oh, and put your ears and tail away before we go."

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