Chapter 10

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Here's chapter 10 =) but first I wanna say thanks to those who have stuck with the story so far =D you're all awesome


**Anastasia's pov**

I took Dahvie's phone and started going through his music. After realizing I hadn't heard of most of the bands he had I went and bought an album or two of music that I knew. Then I put the headphones, layed back, and closed my eyes...

"Guys? Hello?" I called as I walked around the vans warped tour grounds. It was completely empty except for me. "CC? Andy? Where are you guys?...Are we playing hide and seek?"

I walked for a little bit before I saw the BVB bus. They must be there, I thought. I ran to the bus and opened the door, walking in.

"What the fuck are you doing here?!" I heard Andy ask angrily. Before I could say anything Jake chimed in.

"Why the fuck did you come back?! Was us ditching you not enough of a hint? We don't want you here! No on wants you here!"

"In fact, no one wants you in general," Andy added.

"T-That's not true. People l-like me," I stuttered.

Then I saw CC walk out of bunk alley and knew he'd back me up. But when he saw me his expression changed to one of disgust.

"What the hell is that thing doing back?"

When I heard that my heart dropped.

"I-I'm not a thing! What has gotten into you guys?" I said, trying not to show how much there words hurt.

"You're such an idiot. Don't you get it?" CC sneered, "We don't like you. We never did."

"Wh-why'd you guys save me then?"

"Cause you're pain is our pleasure," Andy laughed.

"Did you really think we liked you?" Ashley chuckled, appearing out of nowhere with Jinxx. "God, you're such a dumb bitch."

I could feel my eyes start to water so I turned around to run, but someone grabbed me.

"Where do you think you're going princess?" Jinxx sneered.

"I'll leave you guys alone okay, just let me go."

Jinxx held me tight though.

"But we have a surprise for you," he smirked. "You see, we met someone that was very interested in you."

No, no, nonononono. They can't be selling me. They can't be selling me.

"No, you promised you wouldn't sell me Andy. You promised," I cried.

"That promise didn't mean shit. Now get ready to meet your new owner, he's eager to see you again after so many years." Oh god, not my old owner. Please no.

As I saw him walk onto the bus everything suddenly froze around me. I took the opportunity to run, but I had only gotten a few feet from the bus when I heard the guys coming after me. I ran as hard as I could to who knows where.

Before I knew it I was stopping as fast as could...I had come to a cliff. If I had run off I would'v died. I turned around to see only Andy. He approached me.

"I'm so sorry Ana. This wasn't supposed to happen..." a small smile started to grow on my face. "We should'v left you for dead in the first place," he said angrily as he pushed me off the cliff.

I felt nothing but hurt and shocked as I fell, awaiting the impact that would finally take me to a better place...

My eyes flew open as I quickly sat up. I looked around to find I was in Jayy's room. I-It was a dream? It was just a dream? I could feel relief wash over me when I realized Dahvie was on the edge of the bed holding me.

"Are you okay Ana?" He asked, worry showing on his face.

"I-I-I" was all I could manage.

"It was just a dream okay kitty cat? It was just a dream," he soothed as he hugged me.

"T-They tried to sell me, and then h-he killed me," I eventually spoke up.

"Who did?"

"The guys did. Then he killed me."

"Who killed you Ana?"

"A-Andy did. He pushed me off a cliff saying they should'v left me for dead in the first place."

"He would never really do that Ana," Dahvie said a little shocked.

"How do you know? He never wanted me around in the first place."

"That's not true. Jayy talked to the guys. Andy was hungover when he yelled at you. He didn't mean anything he said."

"I doubt that."

"Oh yeah, check your phone?"

I grabbed my phone from my pocket and saw I had a lot of texts. Some were from Sammi and Jinxx pretty much saying what Dahvie just told me, and the rest were from Andy. Every single text was an apology. One after the other. Maybe he really didn't mean it. I let out a sigh.

"I wanna believe it Dahvie, I do, but I just feel like I can't."

"You just need some time. The guys love you. They'd never hurt you on purpose, especially Andy. He cares about you more than the others."

"He does?" I asked, slightly confused.

"He does."

"Well he has a funny way of showing it."

*time skip*

It's been a week since Andy yelled at me and I'm not sure I can believe he didn't mean it. I want to, I really want to, but I'm just not sure. I mean, I miss the guys. Sure Jayy and Dahvie are fun and awesome, but it's not quite the same. Hopefully this'll get better soon.

I sat on the couch watching TV while Jayy and Dahvie were out when the doorbell rang. I quickly got up to answer it. When I did I was engulfed in a hug that I would realize came from Sammi.

"What are you doing?" I asked her.

"I came to see you. I miss you, we all do. I understand that it might be hard for you to believe such good things can happen to you and that Andy never meant what he said. But it's true. It was just his hangover. Please come back to us. Andy feels so horrible. He stopped talking the day after you left when he never heard from you. He kept thinking something horrible happened to you and that Jayy was just hiding it. He never meant to say those things Ana I promise. And I promise he didn't mean any of it either. Please come back to us," she replied.

H-He stopped talking? He felt so bad that he stopped talking? I couldn't believe it. How can my leaving make such an impact on someone? I haven't heard about the other guys being like this. C-Could it be that he...likes me? No. I know for a fact that's not possible. Even still, if he's that upset about what he did then he really must not have meant it.

I knew I believed enough now that I could go back, but not enough that it won't be akward between me and Andy for a while.

"Okay," I said quietly.

Sammi cheered, "Oh my gosh! Yay!"


Btw, when I got on today I was so happy. More than 100 reads total was not expected and definitely helped boost my confidence =D so thanks everyone

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