Chapter 9

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Hey, I'm back =)

Btw, Merry Christmas =)


**Andy's pov** 

*1 week after tour*


I pulled into my driveway and groaned. I was hungover from the party last night and tired as hell. As I walked up to my front door I noticed Ana sitting on the porch swing. When she saw me she got up.

"Hey," she smiled, "Where were you? I'v been waiting here all night. You said were gonna have a movie night and you blew me off. I guess it's okay though, everyone forgets things once in a while. So are we still gonna hang out later? What are we gonna do?"

Her voice was louder than normal due to the hangover and I could that she hadn't done anything yesterday by how much energy she has. I was not in the mood to deal with that energy either so I just smiled at her and went inside. She followed me inside, talking about things we could do. When I got to the kitchen I grabbed some water and pain pills. The pain pills wouldn't kick in fast enough though. I can't take Ana's endless talking much longer.

**Anastasia's pov**

"Oh my god! Shut up!" Andy suddenly yelled. I looked at him confused and slightly hurt. "Why the hell are you always around when you have so much energy?! For a pet cat you're pretty fucking annoying! I don't even understand how someone would want you as a pet you're so goddamn annoying! You follow us around like a lost dog and when you get energetic you talk non-stop unless you have something to do! Just fuck off and give us space! We didn't ask for a new fucking pet!"

I stared at him for a few seconds, choking back tears, before I ran off.

**Jayy's pov**

"What the fuck do you want?!" I yelled annoyed.

It was about 8 in the morning and I was trying to sleep, but someone was pounding on the door and it was obvious Dahvie wasn't gonna get it. As soon as I yelled that though I regretted it. The person at the door was Ana and she looked really upset. She turned around and started to run off, but I managed to catch her before she even made it to the end of the driveway. Once I caught her I put my arms around her to keep her from running again.

"I'm sorry Ana. I didn't know it was you. I would never yell at you on purpose," I apologized. And that's true to. She had to grow up really fast so she didn't really ever get to act like a kid. Yelling at her is like yelling at a five year old. She won't be like that forever, but no matter what I would never yell at her on purpose...unless I had very very good reason, which she would then understand. "Now why don't we go inside and you can tell me what happened okay?"

"O-Okay," she managed through her tears.

**3rd person pov**

Jayy brought Ana inside and they sat down on the couch.

"Now what happened that upset you so much?" Jayy asked.

"Andy said that I was really annoying for a pet cat and that he doesn't get how somehow could want me as a pet cause of it. That I always follow the guys around like a lost dog and that if I get hyper and have nothing to do I never shut up. Then he told me to fuck off and give them some space cause they never asked for a new pet."

Jayy could feel his anger start to bubble up. He said that to her? He knows about her fucking past and he said that to her? What the hell is wrong with him?! he thought.

"Oh my god! Kitty cat what's wrong?" Dahvie asked as he hurried down the stairs.

"I'll tell you later," Jayy answered for her, "For now can you just take her up to my room?"

"Sure. Come on kitty cat, let's go upstairs."

Dahvie carried Ana upstairs and layed her in Jayy's bed. He then took his phone out of his pocket and grabbed a random pair of headphones.

"Here, you can use my phone to listen to music. I already have a lot on there, but you can download any music you want that isn't there okay?"

Ana nodded her head and took Dahvie's phone. Dahvie then walked out of the room, closing the door behind him, and went back downstairs.

"So what happened?" he asked Jayy.

"Andy told her she was annoying as hell and then told her fuck off!" Jayy replied angrily.

"What? Why the hell would he do that?!"

"I dunno, but I'm gonna find out."

Jayy grabbed his car keys and headed for the front door.

"Where are you going?" Dahvie called after him.

"To see what the fuck was going through Biersack's head!"

He got into his car and drove off. After a little while he arrived at Andy's house. He knocked and waited for Andy to open the door. When the door finally opened Jayy pushed Andy back.

"What the hell is wrong with you?! Do you have any idea how much she struggles to stay positive and believe you guys actually like her?! Then you tell her she's annoying and to fuck off like you don't even care?! Are you fucking stupid?!" Jayy yelled.

**Andy's pov**

I knew this was coming. I knew Ana still found it hard to believe that we actually cared and I just told her to fuck off. I knew she would go to Jayy and that he'd get angry.

"Woah Jayy calm down," Jinxx said, trying to push him back a little ways.

Jinxx had been out feeding so him and Sammi decided to drop by. I told them what happened and I immediately started getting yelled at. We all knew how fragile Ana was. We don't know how long she'll be like that, she could be like that forever, but I knew that and I acted like I didn't care.

"I will not calm down! You upset her you upset me!"

"Jayy, he was tired and hungover. He wasn't thinking," Sammi said in my defense.

Jayy sighed angrily, "I'll let it go this time. But you talk to her like that again, hungover or not, and I'll kick your ass into next week."

"Is she okay?" I asked, not bothering to try and hide the fact that I felt horrible.

"Yeah. She's at my place, probably sleeping. You're not seeing her though."

"What? Why not?"I questioned completely shocked.

"She needs a few days to get herself together. I'll let you know when she's done, but until then stay away from her."

I sighed as I sat down on the couch and put my head in my hands. I guess we're not hanging out today which means I'm not gonna be able to ask her on a date. It's probably for the better though. I should think about it more before I ask her. If she says no then I just ruined a perfectly good friendship.


So whatcha think? I decided to try and add some drama. I actually spent a lot of time thinking about this chapter as well since I've been spending so much time in the car lately. Hopefully it shows =)

Merry Christmas <3

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